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Diversity Charters’ newsletter

Diversity Charters’ newsletter

EU Diversity Month 2022 in Slovak Diversity Charter

Besides the events organized by Charter signatories to promote inclusion & diversity at workplace, events to support LGBT+ community and D&I conference with Charter presentation, the Slovak Charter organised specific happenings on Women in Leadership and the impact the war in Ukraine has on our attitude towards refugees.

Updates from the Diversity Charter Sweden

Last year we started to have Pepp Hours, where we meet for an hour to inform and inspire each other, to be prepared for Diversity Month. This year we hade Jana Kukuckova from the EU Commission. She inspired us, how to use the Diversity Month material. We also find it useful to give our members a feeling that they are a part of something big.

EU Diversity Month in Romania

On the occasion of the EU Diversity Month, the Romanian Diversity Charter organized o range of actions with the aim to engage Charter’s signatories in the celebration of the second edition of the EU Diversity Month in Romania, by creating at the same time a solid ground for debating and informing about the benefits of diversity and inclusion at the workplace.

Women leaders, disability, employee’s mental health and LGBT among topics in Hungary during the EU Diversity Month 2022

The Diversity Month 2022 organised by the EU Diversity Charter Hungary was joined by numerous Charter signatories and partners, so Hungary had a colorful programme of 55 events to offer (2021: nearly 30). 38 organizers of 55 events engaged with further 86 co-organizers and speakers and involved 10000 participants to spend 135 hours on diversity and inclusion and its subtopics.

The charm and the benefits of an outdoor Diversity Month exhibition in Estonia

The main event of the European Diversity Month in Estonia was a month-long exhibition in Telliskivi Creative City outdoor gallery, with photos focusing on generational diversity. Artists were found through Estonian street photography nonprofit, and the works featured people from different locations and age groups. The gallery has gained a lot of popularity due to its easy access and proved to be a great way for engaging people passing by.

Bulgarian Diversity Charter Marked EU Diversity Month 2022

Two events promoted the values and benefits of diversity and inclusion in the corporate world, and society! The Bulgarian Diversity Charter, launched in 2020 as a joint initiative of the Centre for the Study of Democracy and the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, was pleased to join festivities across Europe marking EU Diversity Month in 2022.

Access City Award 2023 – Open for applications

The 2023 Access City Award competition is now open for applications! Since 2010, this award recognises cities that are making significant efforts to become more accessible for persons with disabilities and have plans for further improvement.

Welcome to the 17th EU Platform of the Diversity Charters newsletter!

This edition of our Newsletter is dedicated to the celebrations of the European Diversity Month 2022 and the first edition of the European Capitals of Diversity and Inclusion Award in the first half of 2022. Here you can find all information about these initiatives, official launch events as well as examples of various events organised by the Diversity Charters.

The 10th German Diversity Day: a big celebration!

What a successful month of May it has been! Not only did we celebrate an exciting kick-off in Brussels for the third European Diversity Month, in Germany the month was also crowned by a big anniversary celebration of the 10th German Diversity Day on 31 May.

The European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award 2022

Commissioner Dalli launched the first European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award on 22 November 2021. This award is one of the deliverables of the EU anti-racism action plan and LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 and it shows how action at all levels is essential if we want to turn the tide and build a Union of Equality.