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Diversity Charter Spain: A great success of visibility and communication

May 18 marked the celebration of the EU Diversity Month in Spain, a great success in terms of visibility and communication!

date:  12/08/2022

On May 18, Fundación Diversidad –Diversity Charter of Spain-, organized a great event in Madrid to celebrate the second edition of the European Diversity Month, named "BUILDING BRIDGES FOR A MORE INCLUSIVE SOCIETY". It was organized together with the Representation of the European Commission in Spain and with the support of the companies CaixaBank, Ferrovial and Richemont, which have signed the Diversity Charter and are largely committed to diversity and inclusion.  The event was also broadcasted in streaming.

The event was a great success in terms of visibility and communication: 536 registrations (which represents an increase of 71% compared to 2021) and 2 million people reached on the day of the event (1,906,984 internet users), with the hashtag #MesEuropeodelaDiversidad.

The main objectives of the event were to encourage alliances between companies, institutions, NGOs and society to work together to promote diversity, and to build bridges between the different aspects of diversity.

The communication actions developed in press and social media were a success. Further, the organization of two interesting round tables encouraged the debate among the public and also on social networks.

In the first debate three companies –CaixaBank, Orange and Ferrovial- presented their solidarity actions they are carrying out in the context of the war in Ukraine. In the second one, there was a discussion about how to promote alliances between generations to increase business competitiveness.

During the event there was an amazing performance by Dan Zass, a group that brings dance closer to people with disabilities. The artists Anais and Cristina Arauzo moved the audience with their lovely dance.

Additionally, Fundación Diversidad introduced the new organizations that have signed the Diversity Charter, and those which renewed their commitment for two years.

To conclude, the global leader and diversity expert Bisila Bokoko, delivered the keynote speech "Cultural diversity, a super power", which was absolutely inspiring and revealing.

The final message was that diversity is a key factor to be more competitive. We all should become ambassadors of diversity, communicating, making visible and promoting equality and inclusion in our workplaces and in the society.

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