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Promoting diversity in Greece

The Greek Diversity Charter has been busy promoting diversity in the workplace and organising various activities for our signatories, such as the Diversity Interview and dedicated Diversity Day. We are also looking forward joining the celebrations of the EU Diversity Month.

date:  29/04/2021


Diversity Interview is a new project of Diversity Charter Greece! It hosts institutions, executives and advocates of the acceptance of Diversity, who answer critical questions and share their relevant experience. The aim of the interviews is to highlight the issue of Diversity in our country and to raise awareness on the one hand of the business and on the other hand of the general public for the implementation of equality and Diversity in every work environment - and not only in Greece. The interview is broadcasting live on Facebook and the YouTube Channel of Diversity Charter Greece but also on demand in the same Media. The questions are addressed by the well-known TV journalist, Mr. Giannis Moutsos.

First guest was the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Dr. Domna Michailidou, who has signed the Diversity Charter Greece. Second guest was Szabolcs Schmidt, Head of Unit Non-Discrimination and Roma Co-ordination European Commission DG Justice and Consumers. Mr Schmidt spoke on the 1st European Month of Diversity, which is May 2021. The aim of the interview was to inform and highlight the European Diversity Month in order to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and in the society throughout the whole European Union.

 The Digital Diversity Interviews were held with great success and many participations.



Diversity Day is an action of Diversity Charter Greece and KEAN where each time a good practice of integrating different executives in a work environment is presented, as well as examples of supporting diversity in the company. The aim is to establish this action in an institution that will give the opportunity to the member companies of the Charter to exchange knowledge and good practices in matters of Diversity and through this interaction to emerge directions, choices and solutions in matters concerning Diversity and healthy Inclussion of people in business environments and society. Large Companies that are active in the Greek market and are members of the Diversity Charter Greece, participated in the 1st and 2nd Diversity Day. The British Council Greece, the international organization of Britain that promotes cultural relations and provides educational opportunities through its activity on six continents and in more than 100 countries, offering daily opportunities for international networking, presented to the representatives of 13 companies, at HR level, Communication & Marketing Director, its own approach to Diversity Management with a view to equality and integration. The 2nd Diversity Day took place with the subscription of PAPASTRATOS, a Greek tobacco company and the largest manufacturer and distributor of cigarettes in Greece. 15 companies had the chance to be informed about PAPASTRATOS practices on Diversity and Inclusion.



Diversity Charter Greece is celebrating 1st European Diversity Month!  The month of May will be full of creative actions, from all the countries, Institutions and companies of the European Union participating in the Charter of Diversity. Diversity Charter Greece will be intensively active through multidimensional actions that meet the needs of the time. In this context, as a first step, we have invited all our sponsors and signatories to plan actions related to the issue of Diversity and Integration for and / or their employees and the general public. More specifically, we published a creative banner in the home page of our website, connected to the official European Commission website, for the 1st European Diversity Month. Via analytical emails, social media posts and phone calls we have informed them on the ways they can participate to the European Diversity Month and we invited them to participate to the Launch Event on 4th of May. Many companies have demonstrated great interest and we collaborate with them in order to support them in the planning and implementation of their activities concerning the Diversity Month. 

An awareness video on Diversity and Inclusion will be published soon by Diversity Charter Greece via social media channels and a digital Open Diversity Day, with the contribution of signatories and organizations that focus on Diversity pillars, will be held during May! Stay tuned!!!

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