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Join the EU Platform of Diversity Charters online workshops during #EUDiversityMonth

We have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the EU Platform of Diversity Charters online workshops celebrating the European Diversity Month. For more information and registration please see below.

date:  12/05/2021

Sex-based workplace harassment – have your say on the European Commission’s upcoming work

As stated in President von der Leyen’s letter of intent and the Commission Work Programme 2021, the Commission intends to issue a legislative proposal to prevent and combat gender-based violence against women and domestic violence in 2021. When developing the proposal, the Commission takes into account all forms of gender-based violence, including gender-based and sexual harassment. The proposal is likewise intended to cover violence and harassment regardless of whether they take place online or offline.

The purpose of the workshop is to inform the participating Diversity Charters and their signatories on the ongoing preparatory work for this legislative initiative, and gather the participants’ experiences and views in tackling gender-based harassment in their companies. In particular, the participants will be invited to share views on what prohibitions are in place in their respective Member States on tackling gendered work harassment, which preventive measures and support measures are taken, and what remedies do affected employers have at their disposal. In addition, we will discuss how measures taken at the governmental, sectoral and employer levels interplay, and what further measures could be needed to ensure everyone’s right to work free from violence and harassment.


10:00 – Opening by the European Commission: Introduction and presentation of the work done and to be done

10:15 – Creating an harassment free workplace – examples from employers

10:45 – Q&A and discussion



26 May 2021, 10:00 – 11:30 CET



Register to this virtual workshop in EUSurvey - Survey (

Supporting trans and intersex inclusion in the workplace

Discrimination against LGBTIQ people persists throughout the EU. For several LGBTIQ people in the EU, it is still unsafe to show affection publicly, to be open about their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (be it at home or at work), to simply be themselves without feeling to be threatened.

This is especially true in the case of trans and intersex people. According to the European Commission’s newest study ‘Legal gender recognition in the EU: The journeys of trans people towards full equality,’ trans people experience lower employment rates, greater levels of economic inactivity and higher unemployment rates than the general population. For instance, according to the FRA LGBTI survey (2019), all groups in the trans population have personally felt discriminated against when looking for a job because of their identity, particularly trans women (19%) and trans men (15%).

Given these statistics, it is more important than ever to educate yourself and your employees to change attitudes in workplaces. Where to start? How can you support your trans and intersex employees in the workplace? These and other questions will be answered at this 90-minute workshop.



10:00 – Opening by the European Commission: Introduction and presentation of the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy

10:15 – Creating a trans- and intersex-inclusive workplace: Presentation of good practices by ILGA Europe and Organisation Intersex International Europe (tbc)

10:35 – Testimony of a company on fostering inclusion and diversity

10:50 – Q&A and discussion



10 June 2021, 10:00 – 11:30 CET



Register to this virtual workshop in EUSurvey - Survey (

Pay transparency – equal pay for equal work – have your input in implementing the European Commission proposal

Equal pay for equal work is one of the EU’s founding principles. However, women often remain unaware about pay discrimination in their work. A lack of wage transparency does not allow a proper assessment of the reasons for pay inequalities. Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, has committed to table measures to introduce binding pay transparency measures. The Commission therefore presented on 4th March 2021 a Proposal for a directive to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.

What do you think about the proposal, is it relevant and timely? How easy it actually is to apply the measures on pay transparency in practice? Are the employers sufficiently well-equipped to identify “work of equal value” in their organisation? How could the European Commission/social partners/others support organisations?

Join us in discussion and share your experience.



10:00 – Opening by the European Commission: Introduction and presentation of the work done and to be done

10:15 – Equal pay for equal work – examples from employers

10:45 – Q&A and discussion


15 June 2021, 10:00 – 11:30 CET


Register to this virtual workshop in EUSurvey - Survey (

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