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Czech Diversity Charter is joining European family in celebrating diversity, flexibility and inclusion

We are so proud that also from Prague in such difficult year of Covid 19 pandemic situation we could celebrate Diversity month together with our European family, with other 26 countries.

date:  28/04/2021

We feel how important is International cooperation, partnership across the borders.

We prepare prestigious local diversity day together with German diversity Charter, holding on 21st of May in Czech Parliament. With active participation of top managers, leaders of companies, representatives of universities, public life.

Our local family of diversity charter signatories will be growing about more than 10 signatories and golden ambassadors, f.e.:  Commerzbank, Raiffeisen Bank, CGI, Hyundai, etc.

During the month we prepare also other workshops, for networking, sharing of good practice and experience in following topics:

13.5. Strategy of Equal opportunities

Workshop prepared with Czech Governmental Office with active participation of Accenture; Česká pošta; Exxon Mobile and Puls Investiční companies.

24.5. Czech and Slovak cooperation during Covid 19 Pandemic: how could two sisters countries live and cooperate better

We have specific history, more common families – long term separated on both boarder’s side, with strong social, psychological impact. Many companies have branches in both states: we try find way how we could cooperate, manage the team, better.

31.5. Equal Payment – crucial conditions for equal (work) life – workshop prepared together with Ministry of Social Affairs

Topic is between long term priorities of our country and work environment. With 22% gender pay gap we try find the way, best practice how we could improve the situation on labour market for woman, but also how we could support and change related internal company processes.

We are looking forward all events, meetings. We are in one European family where diversity, flexibility and Inclusion are key values.

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