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News from the Swedish Charter

We have been taking various steps to promote the EU Diversity Month throughout Sweden.

date:  28/04/2021

Since the beginning of the year we have organised informal Pepp Hours to engage our signatories to join the celebration of the EU Diversity Month. Each time the participants have chosen the next speaker. 

  • January, background with Anu Ritz, EU-Commission
  • February, Stephan Dirschl Charta der /Diversity Charter Germany to get inspired by their Diversity Day
  • March, Nina Strassner SAP Germany since they are one of the most active within Germany´s Diversity Day
  • April, Sofia Klingberg & Amir Nazari, AFRY Sweden that inspired us by their Diversity Week and their D & I work in general.

In every monthly newsletter since December we have written about #EUDiversity Month and regularly add news on our Web page.

We have also started a LinkedIn Group where we post the latest news and encourage our members/signatories to share their initiatives. We encourage them to invite their communication people to the group to make the EU Diversity Month more visible.

Upcoming event

As part of the European Diversity Month, Diversity Charters of Finland and Sweden are holding an event together for the first time on 28th of May. As the theme of the European Diversity Month is ethnicity at work, we focus on the only indigenous people of the European Union – the Sami people. More info here

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