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Tackling discrimination

International women's day

Tomorrow is International Women's Day! This is a good opportunity to promote respect for women's rights, encourage people to fight against discrimination and gender-based violence, and to fully engage both women and men in all aspects of life. Because this is such an important event, the European Commission is marking the occasion in a number of different ways.

New European handbook on equality data

The new European handbook on equality data promotes equality and contributes to fight against discrimination in the EU by analysing why and what kind of data should be collected in relation to equality and discrimination.

10th Meeting of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion : "Mutual accountability of all"

The European Platform for Roma Inclusion aims to contribute to making European and national policies more sensitive to Roma needs. The 2016 European Platform for Roma inclusion will provide the possibility for participatory interaction among all types of stakeholders of Roma integration (including national and local authorities of the EU Member States and enlargement countries, international organisations, European institutions, representatives of European and national Roma and pro-Roma civil society, media and academia) on topics that are particularly relevant at the midterm of the EU Framework of National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020. The central thematic focus of the 10th European Platform for Roma Inclusion will be on mutual accountability of all stakeholders.

Focused actions to combat violence against women

Violence against women is endemic in the European Union. Since the age of 15:

  • one in three women has experienced sexual and/or physical violence;
  • one in three has experienced psychologically abusive behaviour by an intimate partner;
  • one in two (55%) have experienced sexual harassment.

Non. No. Nein. Stop violence against women

Tomorrow, 25 November, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the European Commission is launching a year of focused actions, with 10 million euros in funding for Member States, local governments, relevant professionals and civil society organisations across Europe to intensify their actions and campaigns to combat violence against women.