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Publication of the 2017 Justice Programme call for action grants

Justice Programme

On 30 March 2017, the European Commission published the following calls for proposals for action grants under the 2017 annual work programme of the Justice Programme.

Deadline:  To be announced.

As in the past years, the Commission will continue to support projects developed by public authorities, universities, NGOs and other relevant organisations in line with the specific objectives of the Programme and based on the following 4 thematic topics:

Topic reference

Topic title

Short description

Budget available EUR

Opening - closing date for submitting proposals


Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters

The main objective of this call is to contribute to the effective and coherent application of the acquis relating to judicial cooperation in:

  • civil matters (priority 1)
  • and criminal matters (priority 2)

The following activities will be covered:

  • analytical activities, such as data collection, surveys, research activities, etc;
  • mutual learning, identifying and exchange of best practices, development of working methods which may be transferable to other participating countries;
  • exchange and provision of information and development of information tools;
  • capacity building for professionals;
  • facilitating cooperation between competent authorities and agencies, legal practitioners and/or service providers (including multi-disciplinary networks at international, national, regional or local levels);
  • dissemination and awareness raising activities;
  • training activities can also be funded under this call, as long as they are of ancillary nature and not the main purpose of the project.


27/04/2017 - 19/09/2017


Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects on judicial training covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights

The objective of this call is to contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU law in the areas of civil law (including consumer law), criminal law and fundamental rights, to judicial ethics and the rule of law, by covering training needs' gaps in these fields. It also targets the specific training needs of court staff.

The priorities of 2017 will concentrate funding on the following training activities and tools for training providers:

1. tackle gaps in cross-border cooperation of training providers

2. tackle gaps in training on EU law for court staff and bailiffs by cross-border training activities on all areas of EU civil, criminal and fundamental rights law relevant for their judicial work.


15/06/2017 - 25/10/2017


Call for proposals for action grants to support national or transnational e-Justice projects

The objective of this call is to contribute to achieving the objectives of the European e-Justice Strategy 2014-2018. It will support the implementation of e-Justice projects at European and national level, insofar that they have a European dimension.

The first priority will be given to support of the implementation of a platform for Mutual Legal Assistance requests regarding e-evidence, in line with the Conclusions of the Council of the European Union on improving criminal justice in cyberspace, adopted on 9 June 2016.


27/04/2017 - 11/07/2017


Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects to enhance the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime and the rights of victims of crime

The aims of this call are:

a) to contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU criminal law in the area of the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime (procedural rights priority), and

b) to contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU criminal law in the area of the rights of victims of crime (victims' rights priority).

In both priorities actions may include forward looking initiatives regarding gaps in EU legislation where further needs for EU actions are called for. Training activities can also be funded under this call, as long as they are of ancillary nature and not the main purpose of the project. Projects ensuring maximum practical benefits and impact for the target groups will be more favorably assessed than theoretical projects consisting mainly of research and other analytical activities. Successful project shall ensure easy access to and wide dissemination of its results.


01/06/2017 - 12/10/2017

Interested applicants are invited to consult the Participant Portal for details.

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