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Publication of the 2017 REC Programme call for action grants

Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme

On 30 March 2017, the European Commission published the call for proposals for action grants under the 2017 annual work programme of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.

Deadline:  To be announced.

As in the past years, the Commission will continue to support actions developed by NGOs, grass-root organisations, universities, public authorities and other relevant organisations in line with the specific objectives of the Programme and based on the following 10 thematic topics:

Topic reference

Topic title

Short description

Budget available EUR

Opening - closing date for submitting proposals


Prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children

This call covers 5 priorities:

1. Prevention of gender-based violence (GBV): changing social attitudes and behaviour, in order to end tolerance of all forms of violence (Indicative amount: 2 500 000 EUR).

2. Protection and support for victims of gender-based violence and violence against children, including through tackling under-reporting and promoting multi-disciplinary cooperation among relevant professionals (Indicative amount: 3 206 000 EUR).

3. The coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence to include refugees and migrants (children, women, LGBTQI persons, young men and boys), in particular to ensure their recovery from such trauma (Indicative amount: 3 000 000 EUR).

4. Treatment of perpetrators, in order to prevent reoffending (Indicative amount: 1 000 000 EUR).

5. National coordinating frameworks or action plans for violence against children (supporting Member States and other actors). The aim is to support Member States in developing and implementing national coordinating frameworks to eliminate all forms of violence against children (Indicative amount: 3 000 000 EUR).


27/06/2017 - 14/11/2017


Capacity-building in the area of rights of the child

This call will support capacity building of professionals working for and with children in rights of the child and child protection. Project activities shall focus on putting in place robust national or regional mechanisms to support children ageing out of/leaving alternative care. 

Project activities may include:

  • mutual learning, exchange of good practices, cooperation
  • design and implementation of protocols, development of working methods which may be transferable to other regions or countries
  • capacity-building and training for professionals


30/03/2017 - 29/06/2017


Improve the inclusion of mobile EU citizens and their political and societal participation

Projects will support Member States' efforts to address challenges arising from intra-EU mobility whilst also promoting and facilitating the effective exercise of the free movement rights by EU citizens and their family members. Project activities should foster the successful inclusion and participation of mobile EU citizens and their family members in the host EU country's civic and political life and their participation in the democratic life of the EU, particularly with a view to the 2019 European elections. Action grants will complement the work the Commission is funding in this domain following the publication of the 2017 Citizenship report, and of the work being funded through the European Parliament's pilot projects on e-voting and e-democracy.


27/04/2017 - 29/06/2017


Ensure the highest level of protection of privacy and personal data

Projects will aim to support the implementation of the Data Protection Reform through:

  • awareness raising activities
  • training in particular for SMEs and public sector personnel dealing and with data protection issues
  • seminars/workshops/conferences with stakeholders.

Throughout these activities the involvement of national data protection supervisory authorities (DPAs) could be an asset in order to bring their perspective as enforcers of data protection legislation.


20/09/2017 - 11/01/2018


Support national or transnational projects on non-discrimination and Roma integration

The aim is to co-fund projects tackling at least one the following grounds for discrimination:

1. Fighting against discrimination based on sexual orientation in society and promoting the rights of LGBTI people.

2. Promoting diversity management in the public and private sector.

3. Fighting against discrimination of Roma

4. Raising awareness about intergenerational solidarity and non-discrimination on the basis of age (in particular of young people).


20/06/2017 - 09/11/2017


Restricted call for proposals to support National Roma platforms

The aim of this call is to support the setting up or reinforcing of national consultation processes in the Member States, through National Roma Platforms convened and managed by National Roma Contact Points (NRCPs).

The National Roma Platforms are expected to encourage and facilitate dialogue and exchanges, promote mutual learning, cooperation and involvement in implementation and monitoring between all national stakeholders. Inclusion of Roma people, in particular Roma women and youth, in the Platform is strongly encouraged.


27/04/2017 - 19/09/2017


Prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance

The following priorities will be supported under this call:

  • projects focusing on preventing and combating Antisemitism
  • projects focusing on preventing and combating anti-Muslim hatred and intolerance
  • projects focusing on preventing and combating xenophobia and anti-migrant hatred
  • projects focusing on preventing and combating other forms of intolerance, such as homophobia and transphobia (also as a contribution to the implementation of the Commission’s List of Actions to advance LGBTI equality, anti-gypsyism, Afrophobia, hate crimes against persons with disabilities

Proposals may explore the use of all available tools and forms of cooperation between national authorities, non-governmental organisations, communities and international organisations and bodies, and are encouraged to be developed on the basis of a holistic approach.


31/05/2017 - 07/11/2017


Monitor, prevent and counter hate speech online

For this call, a particular interest will be set on those projects contributing to the implementation of the Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online agreed between the Commission and the main IT Companies. This includes activities aimed at reducing the presence of hate speech online defined illegal according to EU and national law in social media platforms (Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA, of 28 November 2008 on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law).


27/04/2017 - 29/06/2017


Restricted call for proposals for public authorities on preventing and combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, and in particular hate crime and hate speech

The aim is to assist Member States’ authorities (who bear a responsibility in implementing legislation and policies) in developing tools and practices to effectively prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, and in particular hate crime and hate speech. Projects involving law enforcement authorities and judicial authorities, including prosecutors, will be prioritised. Projects contributing to ensuring a more effective implementation of national provisions on hate speech and hate crimes, in particular those transposing the EU Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law, are of particular interest.


31/05/2017 - 07/11/2017


Restricted call for proposals to address gender gaps over the life-cycle

This call will support projects by Member States national authorities that analyse existing gender gaps and develop effective measures to tackle them, in particular the gender gap in pensions.

The expected impact of the projects is to contribute to reducing the gender gap in pay, earnings and pensions and the higher risk of poverty faced by older women, for example by supporting men and women to make informed choices throughout their life and by combatting obstacles to the economic independence of women.


03/10/2017 - 22/02/2018

Interested applicants are invited to consult the Participant Portal for more details.

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