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Non. No. Nein. Stop violence against women

Tomorrow, 25 November, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the European Commission is launching a year of focused actions, with 10 million euros in funding for Member States, local governments, relevant professionals and civil society organisations across Europe to intensify their actions and campaigns to combat violence against women.

date:  24/11/2016

According to a new Eurobarometer published today, more than one in four Europeans think sexual intercourse without consent can be justifiable. Three quarters of respondents (74%) say that domestic violence against women is common in their country. Moreover, the survey also reveals the persistence of victim-blaming and alarming attitudes about consent. For example, more than one in five respondents (22%) believe that women often make up or exaggerate claims of abuse or rape.

The aim of the joint actions launched today is to raise awareness, provide information and educate about violence against women, targeting the general public as well as professionals who can help change this situation:  police officers, teachers, doctors, judges amongst others.

The focused actions involve local, national and EU-level action. At national level, the Commission has set aside €4 million from the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. This will support Member States in developing and implementing practical and targeted information, and in organising awareness-raising and education activities to help prevent and combat violence against women. Calls for proposals to support transnational grassroots projects have also been published today, providing a total of €6 million.

Complementary and supportive action at the EU level will include exchanges of good practices (under the Commission's Mutual Learning Programme) and a social media campaign, as well as activities in various EU policy areas, including sports, external relations, anti-trafficking and humanitarian assistance.

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