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Gender equality

Advancing LGBTI equality

Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity has no place in our society, but for many people in Europe, it is a daily reality.

International women's day

Tomorrow is International Women's Day! This is a good opportunity to promote respect for women's rights, encourage people to fight against discrimination and gender-based violence, and to fully engage both women and men in all aspects of life. Because this is such an important event, the European Commission is marking the occasion in a number of different ways.

"EU Projects on Violence Against women – Learning for Meaningful Change": A participatory meeting bringing together managers of EU-funded projects on violence against women

On 6 June 2016, DG Justice and Consumers' Gender Equality Unit organised a meeting entitled "EU Projects on Violence Against Women – Learning for Meaningful Change", bringing together 55 managers of EU funded campaigns against violence and Daphne projects running from 2012 to 2015. The event was moderated by Policy Officers Emilie Jarrett and Anne Van Nistelrooij of the Gender Equality Unit, and Conrad Taft of DG HR. The event was held in a participatory format, meaning that attendees largely shaped the content of the day in which the aim was to harvest knowledge and best practice for future project funding.

International Women's Day: promoting gender equality not just today, but every day

[i]Today we celebrate the role of women in our communities and remember the daily struggles that many women in the EU and beyond still face, as well as the historical fight for gender equality. At EU level, a lot has already been achieved to combat gender-based discrimination through many legislative initiatives and actions in different policy areas, but the work is far from finished.[/i]