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International Women's Day: promoting gender equality not just today, but every day

[i]Today we celebrate the role of women in our communities and remember the daily struggles that many women in the EU and beyond still face, as well as the historical fight for gender equality. At EU level, a lot has already been achieved to combat gender-based discrimination through many legislative initiatives and actions in different policy areas, but the work is far from finished.[/i]

date:  08/03/2016

Věra Jourová, EU Commissioner for Gender Equality reminded: "It is essential that we continue our efforts to integrate equality for women and men into every one of our policies across the board, in each of our Member States and in the countries we work with."

Today in the EU, women are still paid 16% less on average for every hour worked than their male counterparts, make up less than a quarter of company board positions, and a third of women work part-time because of their caring responsibilities. Sexual and domestic violence is still experienced by many women on a daily basis across the EU.

Therefore, to address these issues the European Commission has committed to take further steps in the field of work-life balance. It recently proposed for the EU to ratify the Istanbul Convention to combat violence against women. Furthermore, in its Strategic engagement for gender equality 2016-2019 pdf Choose translations of the previous link , the Commission firmly aims at reducing the gender pay gap and tackling gender-based human rights violations.

For more information

Read the full statement here:

Learn more about the most recent facts on the situation of women in the EU here:

Factsheet on the 2015 GE Report: pdf

2015 Gender Equality Report: pdf

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