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New publication " Pay transparency in the EU: A legal analysis of the situation in the EU Member States, Iceland,Liechtenstein and Norway"

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Gender equality

date:  04/05/2017

Pay transparency is essential in order to effectively implement the principle of equal pay. Increased pay transparency can reveal a gender bias or discrimination in the pay structures of an organization, and enables employees, employers and social partners to take action in this respect. This report reviews national pay transparency measures introduced by the EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to implement the core measures recommended by the European Commission in view of strengthening the principle of equal pay between men and women (Recommendation C(2014) 1405 final).

It also reviews, assesses and compares the situation in the above mentioned countries regarding the employee’s right to request information on gender pay levels, the employer’s duty report on average gender pay levels, the employer’s duty to audit pay and pay differentials on grounds of gender, and measures that aim to ensure the issue of equal pay is discussed at collective bargaining level. The report provides best practice examples in all these areas and concludes by analysing the obstacles to introducing national pay transparency measures and the way ahead.


Pay transparency in the EU: A ...
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