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Combating antisemitism

Survey on combating antisemitism through sport is now live

As part of the EU-funded project BRIDGES, run by CEJI - A Jewish contribution to an inclusive Europe, the World Jewish Congress, and What Matters, a questionnaire on combating antisemitism through sport is now available online. The survey is addressed to representatives of Jewish communities and institutions in Europe and aims to gather information about Holocaust remembrance, antisemitism prevention, and the promotion of Jewish life in sports.

Commission attends OSCE-ODIHR conference on security needs of Jewish community in Italy

10 December 2023 - In view of the rise of antisemitism in Europe, OSCE-ODIHR organised a conference in Rome to respond to antisemitic hate crimes and address the security needs of Jewish communities in Italy. The workshop was organised in partnership with the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress and the Jewish community of Italy, to strengthen the cooperation between law-enforcement and Jewish communities on matters of security.

Katharina von Schnurbein addresses demonstration against antisemitism in Brussels

10 December 2023 - European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, addressed around 4000-5000 people gathered to protest against antisemitism in Brussels. The event was organised by the CCOJB and FJO, two Belgian Jewish umbrella organisations and the Belgian Ligue against antisemitism.

Vice-President Jourová addresses EUJS Gala dinner marking their 45th anniversary

10 December 2023 - European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, expressed her solidarity with the Jewish community at the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) Gala dinner, referring to the recently adopted Communication on “No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred”. She reiterated her commitment to address antisemitism, including online.

President von der Leyen celebrates EuroChanukka

10 December 2023 - The European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen addressed members of the Jewish community and the diplomatic corps at the annual EuroChannuka event organized by the European Jewish Community Center, in Brussels.

Conference on the aftermath of October 7th for Jewish communities worldwide

6 December 2023 - At a conference on 'Israel in October 2023 – Impressions of the country in the aftermath of October 7th', Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, addressed the tsunami of antisemitism that the Jewish community in Europe is facing in the aftermath of Hamas' terror attack on the State of Israel.

2024 Call for proposals on judicial training priorities

The European Commission will publish its call for proposals on judicial training priorities, including on fundamental rights, in line with the Commission communication ‘Ensuring justice in the EU — a European judicial training strategy for 2021-2024'. The primary objective of the call is to support training promoting the digitalisation of national justice systems.

Conference on Freedom of Religion in Croatian Parliament

1 December 2023 - Ahead of the International Human Rights Day, the Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, warned of shrinking space for expression of freedom of religion or belief and the rise of antisemitism in Europe. The event was hosted by MP Marijana Petir, inside the Croatian Parliament. The new reports show high level of underreporting of incidents and speakers stated the importance for state authorities in EU to improve recording.

European Commission Coordinator attends IHRA Plenary session

27 - 30 November 2023: The European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, attended and addressed the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Plenary that took place in Zagreb.