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Katharina von Schnurbein addresses demonstration against antisemitism in Brussels

10 December 2023 - European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, addressed around 4000-5000 people gathered to protest against antisemitism in Brussels. The event was organised by the CCOJB and FJO, two Belgian Jewish umbrella organisations and the Belgian Ligue against antisemitism.

date:  11/12/2023

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Ms. von Schnurbein emphasized that even as we witness incidents that remind us of the darkest times in Europe, what is different today is that the EU and the national governments stand with the Jewish community. She reiterated that no war, no political or scientific opinion, nothing justifies Jew-hatred. Among others, speakers called for the use of the IHRA definition of antisemitism and the appointment of a national special envoy to combat antisemitism in Belgium.

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