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President von der Leyen celebrates EuroChanukka

10 December 2023 - The European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen addressed members of the Jewish community and the diplomatic corps at the annual EuroChannuka event organized by the European Jewish Community Center, in Brussels.

date:  11/12/2023

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In her speech, President von der Leyen reassured the Jewish community of the EU’s solidarity in the mist of the dark days that Europe is living with the rise of antisemitism on its streets: 

"I have always believed that this Jewish festival should be celebrated in public – and that the streets of Europe should be lit up by the little flames of Chanukiot. But this year, it is even more important to renew this tradition. Because the night around us is especially dark. An old evil is resurfacing in Europe. Swastikas have been painted on the homes of Jews. Synagogues have been vandalised. Jewish children have been locked in their schools because the streets are not safe for them."

Furthermore, to support Jewish life and culture in Europe, she announced the creation of a new award: 

"Europe stands for ‘united in diversity'. For centuries, European Jews have shaped our common heritage. Think of Marc Chagall and Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Rahel Hirsch and Hannah Arendt. And you still do shape our common heritage. This is why we will create a new award to celebrate Jewish cultural heritage. Because Jewish culture is a blessing to Europe, and we should all know more about it."

Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, and Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, also attended the event.


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