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Debt recovery made faster, cheaper and more efficient

Today, new rules on the European Account Preservation Order (the EAPO) enter into force in the European Union. Thanks to the EAPO, businesses and citizens will be able to recover millions in cross-border debts by requesting that the amount owed to them be blocked on the debtor's bank accounts

Commission proposes to update data protection rules for EU institutions and sets out a strategy to facilitate international data exchanges

Today the Commission proposes a Regulation for Data Protection in Union Institutions and Bodies. The Regulation would update the data protection rules applicable to the EU institutions and bodies, so that they are in line with the General Data Protection Regulation. Anyone, whose personal data is handled by European institutions or their agencies, would benefit from higher data protection standards.

Focused actions to combat violence against women

Violence against women is endemic in the European Union. Since the age of 15:

  • one in three women has experienced sexual and/or physical violence;
  • one in three has experienced psychologically abusive behaviour by an intimate partner;
  • one in two (55%) have experienced sexual harassment.

Non. No. Nein. Stop violence against women

Tomorrow, 25 November, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the European Commission is launching a year of focused actions, with 10 million euros in funding for Member States, local governments, relevant professionals and civil society organisations across Europe to intensify their actions and campaigns to combat violence against women.

Commission proposes new approach to business insolvency in Europe

The European Commission is for the first time presenting a set of European rules on business insolvency today. Well-functioning insolvency and restructuring systems are key to supporting economic growth. This initiative aims to enhance the "rescue culture" in the EU. It will allow companies in financial difficulties to restructure early on so as to prevent bankruptcy and avoid laying off staff. At the same time it provides rules on giving honest entrepreneurs a second chance of doing business after a bankruptcy.

Safety without borders: International Product Safety Week 2016

The International Product Safety Week will take place this year from 14 to 18 November. Regulators and stakeholders from more than 40 countries will meet to exchange their ideas and experiences on current product safety matters. This year, the event will focus on the challenges brought about by the digital economy.