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Report on the activities of the European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters

The Commission adopted on 10 March 2016 the report on the activities of the European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters (EJN-civil). This report provides an analysis of the substantial support of EJN-civil over the last five years for developing day-to-day judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters between Member States. The report also paves the way forward to further developing judicial cooperation and building additional capacities of the EJN to ensure efficient application of Union civil justice instruments.

International Women's Day: promoting gender equality not just today, but every day

[i]Today we celebrate the role of women in our communities and remember the daily struggles that many women in the EU and beyond still face, as well as the historical fight for gender equality. At EU level, a lot has already been achieved to combat gender-based discrimination through many legislative initiatives and actions in different policy areas, but the work is far from finished.[/i]

Commission goes ahead with 17 Member States to clarify property rights for Europe’s international couples

The European Commission adopted today proposals to clarify the property rights for international married couples or registered partnerships. These proposals will establish clear rules in cases of divorce or death and bring an end to parallel and possibly conflicting proceedings in various Member States, for instance on property or bank accounts. In short, it will bring more legal clarity for international couples. Since it was not possible to reach unanimity among 28 Member States on proposals originally brought forward in 2011, the Commission is now going ahead with 17 Member States willing to join this initiative through an enhanced cooperation.

EU-U.S. Privacy Shield: Frequently Asked Questions

European Commission - Fact Sheet Brussels, 29 February 2016 What is the EU-US Privacy Shield? After two years of negotiations, the European Commission and the U.S. Department of Commerce reached on 2 February 2016 a political agreement on a new framework for transatlantic exchanges of personal data for commercial purposes:...

Commission publishes study aimed at combatting consumer vulnerability

Today, the Commission has published a study which looks into the difficulties consumers face in getting the best or fairest deals. Consumers facing these difficulties may be more likely to have negative experiences when attempting to make purchases, choosing, or switching providers. The study identifies the main reasons behind this vulnerability and what can be done to enable consumers to make better use of their rights and the alternatives the marketplace offers. A special focus is directed at the challenges consumers face in the online environment, as well as in the finance and energy sectors.

European Day for Victims of Crime

Today, Monday 22 February marks the European Day for Victims of Crime. Every year, 75 million people fall victim to crime across the European Union. New rules that apply across the EU since November 2016 guarantee that people who fall victim to crime in the EU benefit from [link] minimum set of rights)[/link].

Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign prolonged

In March 2016, the European Commission will launch a two-week information campaign on Facebook. The campaign aims to raise attention around the forthcoming “European Consumer Day” (10 March 2016) and the “World Consumer Rights Day" (15 March 2016).