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DG JUST awards grants to IOM, UNICEF and Save the Children for the protection of children in migration

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date:  22/11/2016

DG JUST has awarded direct grants to Save the Children Sweden (EUR 888,381), the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) (EUR 749,999) and UNICEF (EUR 955,809) to fund activities related to the protection of children in migration in the current migration crisis, under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme.

All three organisations are receiving funding for coordinated actions addressing the following objectives which are part of a four-point plan to protect children in migration: 

  • to carry out child protection and child safeguarding activities for children in migration to prevent violence against migrant and refugee children;
  • to support and strengthen national child protection systems to protect children in migration; 
  • to increase child protection capacity of national asylum and migration professionals and practitioners and national and local NGO, as well as others working directly with children; 
  • and support governments and national human rights institutions in monitoring the rights of child refugee and migrant children.

The project activities will be carried out in Sweden, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy and will run between 15 and 18 months. 

DG JUST is still in discussions with UNHCR for a grant related to child protection.

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