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Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign

Consumers should be aware of their rights under EU law so they can use them every day, when shopping online or on the high street. That's why the European Commission has organised a campaign informing citizens of their rights under EU consumer law and pointing them to the right places where they can get advice and help in case of questions or problems.

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Consumer policy

date:  17/03/2016 - 31/03/2016

The Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign, which was started in spring 2014, aims to increase the general knowledge among traders and consumers of EU-wide consumer rights, that stem mostly from national transposition of EU directives. Particular focus is on the Consumer Rights Directive, the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, the Unfair Contract Terms Directive and the Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive.

Information for Consumers

  • Download the video clip of the awareness raising campaign!mpeg-4v(39 MB)  (For different language versions click the bubble behind the link.) You can also find it on our EUJustice video channel
  • Tweet or post our infographics on 14-day right of returnpdf(832 kB) , faulty goodspdf(639 kB) , misleading advertisingpdf(2 MB) , unfair clausespdf(636 kB)  in consumer contracts and the European Consumer Centrespdf(657 kB) . In addition, download the procedural infographicpdf(718 kB) , explaining your choices in a wide variety of situations you may encounter when you buy something new.
  • For the main facts about the Directive on Consumer Rights, please see the factsheetpdf(2 MB)  put together by the Commission. 
  • Consumers can find information on their key rights on the dedicated citizen information pages on Your Europe - Citizens.  

    By clicking on the following link you will see a list of authorities responsible for enforcementpdf(315 kB) of consumer legislation in each Member State.

    Information for Traders

    Traders find key information on consumer rights on our leaflet for traderspdf(942 kB)  (also as print versionpdf(3 MB)  in all campaign languages).

    Additional informationinformation on some important requirements in the consumer legislation is also available in Your Europe - Business.

    For the main facts about the Directive on Consumer Rights, please see the factsheetpdf(2 MB)  put together by the Commission.

    Participation in the campaign

    Stakeholders at the national level, such as consumer authorities, consumer associations, business associations and others are encouraged to participate in the campaign. Please send us a mail if you want to participate and need additional information. We can provide you with additional material, including banners for your web pages or mail footers, and material that you can adapt for your own consumer rights campaign.

    Campaign Events

    All national launch events have taken place. The Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign itself will continue throughout 2015.


    Brussels (Economic and Social Committee)

    16/03/2015European Consumer Day
    Commissioner Jourova highlighted in her speech "Putting the consumer at the centre: More freedom, more rights, more choicepdf", that consumers need to know their rights better and announces the extension of the campaign to 2015 and six additional Member States.


    23-24/04/2015Conference: Future priorities of consumer policy in digital era (EU presidency event)
    Commissioner Jourova presented the 2015 campaign in her keynote speech at the 2015 Latvian Council presidency consumer policy event in Riga.

    Czech Republic

    24/04/2015Conference: How will the European Strategy of the Digital Single Market help the consumers?
    Commissioner Jourova kicked off the campaign in the Czech Republic together with the launch of the Consumer Credit information campaign.


    08/05/2015Kick-off of the campaign in Lithuania
    A series of media and public events in Vilnius, involving a high-level representative from the European Commission, marked the beginning of the awareness-raising campaign in Lithuania.


    14/05/2015Conference: Big data and the consumer environment of the future
    A member of Commissioner Andrus Ansip's cabinet, Thor-Sten Vertmann, kicked off of the consumer rights campaign on 14 May in Tallinn, at a conference co-organised by the Estonian Consumer Protection Board, the Chambers of Commerce and the EC Representation on "Big data and the consumer environment of the future". For more details, please check:


    17/06/2015Press Conference on the occasion of the 10-year anniversary of the European Consumer Centers

    Together with the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia, the European Consumer Center launched the campaign in Slovakia at a press conference on the occasion of the 10-year anniversary celebration.


    18-19/06/2015Conference: Present and future of conscious consumption – challenges and possibilities in the field of consumer

    The Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, launched the campaign with a keynote speech at the stakeholder conference on "Present and future of conscious consumption – challenges and possibilities in the field of consumer" in Budapest.

    The conference is co-organised by the NFH, the Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection.


    29/06/2015Commissioner Jourova visits Slovenia

    The Consumer Rights Awareness campaign was launched in Ljubljana on 29 June during Commissioner Jourová's first official visit to Slovenia. The Commissioner reminded:

    We have been working together with Member States to put in place laws that guarantee that you have a fair treatment, proper information and the possibility to claim your rights, if problems occur. This applies when you pay for a product or service, either online or in a shop, in your home country or elsewhere in the EU.”



    17/03/2014Conference: Getting Consumers Digital (EU Presidency event)
    Commissioner for Consumer Policy, Neven Mimica launched the awareness raising campaign in Athens


    24/04/2014Conferences on the transposition of the Consumer Rights Directive (Asociación Española de la Economía Digital)
    Deputy Head of DG Justice's Consumer and Marketing Law Unit, Gösta Petri kicked off the campaign in Madrid and Barcelona.


    17/05/2014Open Doors Day of the EU Institutions in Brussels
    The European Commission informed visitors about the campaign and distributed promotional material.


    28/05/2014Conference: Presentation of the Annual Report of the European Consumer Centre Cyprus
    DG Health and Consumers Director for Consumer Affairs, Despina Spanou launched the campaign in Cyprus at this prominent annual event organised by the EC Representation in Cyprus.


    02/06/2014Conference on the Consumer Rights Directive and the Alternative Dispute Resolution package (Ministry of Economy)
    The campaign was launched in an event organised in Lisbon, by the Directorate-General for Consumer of the Ministry of Economy of Portugal. DG Justice's Director for Civil Justice, Paraskevi Michou visited a school, and a university to introduce the campaign to a younger audience.


    9/06/2014Launch event in Sofia
    During his official visit to Bulgaria, Commissioner for Consumer Policy, Neven Mimica, kicked off the campaign in the country. He met consumers and the press in one of the leading shopping centres of the capital Sofia.


    26/06/2014Conference (European Consumer Centre Latvia)
    The European Commission launched the campaign in Riga. Martins Prieditis, team leader for the Consumer Rights Directive in DG Justice's Consumer and Marketing Law unit, presented the directive that took effect that month.


    7-8/07/2014Conference “EU Cooperation for enforcement of consumer legislation” (EU Presidency event)
    Commissioner for Consumer Policy, Neven Mimica, launched the campaign  in Rome at a conference organised by the Italian Competition Authority jointly with the presidency of the Council of the EU.


    3/10/2014Launch event in Warsaw
    Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Martine Reicherts, kicked off the campaign during her official visit to Poland. In the afternoon of the 3rd October, she presented the campaign and answered questions of journalists and stakeholders on the premises of the Representation of the European Commission in Warsaw. (Further information on the event is available in Polish)

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