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Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign prolonged

In March 2016, the European Commission will launch a two-week information campaign on Facebook. The campaign aims to raise attention around the forthcoming “European Consumer Day” (10 March 2016) and the “World Consumer Rights Day" (15 March 2016).

date:  19/02/2016

The initiative represents the last activity foreseen by the two-years long Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign, which has been prolonged until the end of March. The campaign focuses on 5 key rights and duties stemming from EU consumer law for traders and consumers and highlights concrete actions that citizens can take when experiencing problems.

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Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign

Events | Thursday 17 March 2016

Consumers should be aware of their rights under EU law so they can use them every day, when shopping online or on the high street. That's why the European Commission has organised a campaign informing citizens of their rights under EU consumer law and pointing them to the right places where they can get advice and help in case of questions or problems.

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