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Aid Reimagined: How can foreign assistance support locally-led development?

If international development partners are to live up to their rhetoric and aspiration of supporting locally-led development, they must learn to see from the perspectives of their counterparts in the Global South. This report draws upon the experiences of nearly 7,000 leaders at the forefront of pushing forward reforms in 141 countries to answer three critical questions. How do leaders assess progress in advancing their national development goals? What key constraints do leaders see as hindering progress in achieving their goals? How can international actors best support locally-led development?

The global biodiversity framework needs a robust action agenda

Bending the curve of biodiversity loss is a key priority for humanity and requires urgent action. The rapid loss of biological diversity threatens human lives, livelihoods and well-being globally, and is reinforcing and being reinforced by climate breakdown.

Translation as a Means for Preserving and Disseminating Oral Heritage

Protecting the heritage of communities is a means to revive them. The goal of the current paper is to explore how translation can be utilised as an effective tool for the preservation, survival, and dissemination of the oral heritage of marginalised communities within the Iraqi context.

Humanitarian Access Overview - December 2022

The December 2022 analysis found that, between July and the end of October 2022, crisis-affected populations in more than 80 countries were not receiving the humanitarian assistance they needed because of access constraints. Gambia, Papua New Guinea, and Sri Lanka have entered the ranking since the last Humanitarian Access Overview from July 2022.

Recommendations to Smart Africa Alliance Member Countries to address Digital Infrastructure Financing

After several decades of digitalization in Africa, there is a real change in the ecosystem in Africa from traditional uses to current uses that integrate the use of OTT (Over The Top) applications. This new configuration of use of digital tools has highlighted the limits of traditional investments which have enabled the establishment of networks that have allowed Africa to move from general isolation to inclusion in the digital world.

Advancing gender equality and women’s digital empowerment in the Global South

During the pandemic, governments faced difficulties ensuring inclusivity in the delivery of digital public services. This is particularly apparent in the Global South, where the rapid digitalisation of public services has deepened structural inequalities and vulnerabilities. Given the the newfound importance of connectivity and digital literacy for accessing public services, the need to bridge the gender digital divide has become ever more pressing.

Malawi: cholera outbreak

Since March 2022, Malawi has been experiencing the largest cholera outbreak reported in the last decade. As at 29 November, the cumulative confirmed cases and deaths were 10,652 and 310, respectively. The country needs medical supplies, vaccines, health worker training, and awareness campaigns on cholera to tackle the outbreak.

Russia’s private military diplomacy in Africa: High risk, low reward, limited impact

The assumption of many researchers is that Russia’s renewed interest in Africa is driven by its quest for global power status. Few expect Russia’s security engagement to bring peace and development to countries with which it has security partnerships. This article argues that Moscow has found success by providing security solutions to fragile states and weak regimes without political strings attached, thus making Russia a preferred security partner.

Climate change, migration and gender: seeking solutions

Women’s empowerment and gender equality are fundamental for effective, efficient and sustainable climate mitigation and adaptation. Despite being powerful stakeholders and change agents, women are often not included in climate policies that apply gender-neutral approaches, deepen inequality and hamper effective climate action.

The instrumentalization of migration

The aim of this paper is to use a geopolitical perspective to better understand the phenomenon of instrumentalization of migration. Such a perspective is helpful to analyse the points of vulnerability of target countries, and to initiate a discussion about possible strategic responses to prevent, deter and combat its use.

Why Africa matters to the United States: Top 5 reasons

For years, U.S. engagement in Africa has emphasized poverty reduction, foreign aid, and addressing conflict and insecurity. While critically important, these priorities have not fully kept pace with dramatic changes occurring across the region, as Africa today has emerged as one of the world’s premier destinations for cutting-edge innovation and inspiring entrepreneurship

The EU Global Health Strategy: How to make it work

The EU’s new global health strategy aims to ‘go back to basics’ and achieve the health-related Sustainable Development Goals. This brief suggests ways to avoid global health falling off the agenda again: these include a stronger AU-EU partnership and targeted funding.

La recuperación del empleo en el sector transporte: un viaje a marcha lenta

En América Latina y el Caribe el impacto de la crisis económica derivada de la pandemia fue particularmente agudo, con efectos para el sector de transporte que van más allá de los ámbitos productivos y laborales. Dos años después del inicio de la crisis sanitaria que provocó medidas de distanciamiento social sin precedentes históricos, la recuperación de la actividad sectorial es ampliamente desconocida.