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UNESCO’s actions for biodiversity: making peace with nature

The international community aims to create protected areas on at least 30% of the planet by 2030. This objective will be meaningless if humans continue to destroy the remaining 70%. The conservation and protection of biodiversity calls for a deeper change in values and behaviour; humans have to live in harmony with other species, everywhere on earth, for the good of present and future generations.

2022 ESCAP population data sheet

The Population Data Sheet, published annually by ESCAP, features a range of key indicators on population and development. The focus is on population size, structure and growth rates, as well as fertility, mortality and migration, at country, subregional and regional levels.

Pacific perspectives 2022 : accelerating climate action

The Pacific region is at a crossroads. The advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals aspirations across all sectors are facing the test of international solidarity. The Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) contribute less than 0.03% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions but are amongst the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Tracking sustainable mobility in Asia-Pacific cities 2022

For many decades, cities in the Asia Pacific region have followed unsustainable patterns of transport development: worsening congestion and traffic safety, deteriorating air quality, high consumption of fossil fuels, and rising greenhouse gas emissions.

Enhancing digital G2P transfer capacities in the Asian LDCs

Digital payments can offer multiple benefits to various stakeholders, including governments, recipients, and service providers. Digital payments are a driver of financial inclusion, with payments often serving as a gateway to account ownerships and access to savings and loan products.

The future of work in the context of population ageing in Asia and the Pacific

This paper deals with the diverse landscape of demographic and labour market trends in the Asia-Pacific region, and puts them in context with emerging trends and developments – repercussions of COVID-19, the transition toward a green economy, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the impact of and responses to climate change and natural disasters.

Environmental sustainability of transport systems

Passenger and freight volume is expected to increase by over 100% between 2015 and 2050 in Asia and the Pacific due to continuous economic development, population growth and motorization. As a result, its environmental impact, including local and global pollution, will be significant over the next few decades.

Development Strategy Assessment of the Eastern Caribbean

Eastern Caribbean countries enjoy rich natural endowments and have achieved significant economic development. Throughout the last decades, they have also been confronted with a number of rising economic, social and environmental challenges.

COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership - Issue 9

After several months of decline in registered COVID-19 cases, numbers rose in November, with 11.4 million new cases registered – a 10% increase from October. In contrast, deaths from COVID-19 have remained relatively stable with 37,000 deaths registered in November.

Multi-dimensional Review of the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has made strides on many socioeconomic fronts over the years. The country has been one of the leading economies in Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of GDP growth, reaching upper middle-income status in 2011. However, progress on the different dimensions of well-being has been insufficient

Dreams and Barriers: Aspirations, Expectations, and Schooling Outcomes of Indonesian Students

High aspirations for their future motivate youth to strive toward them and achieve better outcomes. However, the influence of perceived constraints on the motivational power of aspirations is unclear: do high aspirations motivate independently of constraints or only when expected constraints seem workable? This paper explores this question with a gender lens and using a large, cross-sectional survey of adolescent students in Indonesia.

Thriving : Making Cities Green, Resilient, and Inclusive in a Changing Climate

Globally, 70% of greenhouse gas emissions emanate from cities. At the same time, cities are being hit increasingly by climate change related shocks and stresses, ranging from more frequent extreme weather events to inflows of climate migrants. This report analyzes how these shocks and stresses are interacting with other urban stresses to determine the greenness, resilience, and inclusiveness of urban and national development

Ripple effects of the conflict in Ukraine: Truths & myths

This report provides a commentary on relevant datasets (mainly on food prices and food inflation) as it examines trends related to the economic effects of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine on selected countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.