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Food & Healthy Diet

Working together for longer healthier lives - the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

In 30 years’ time, there will be 150 million older people living in the EU. Where will you live? What kind of shape will you be in? Will you still be healthy and independent? Society is ageing. But making sure our golden years are happier and healthier is not just down to the individual, it’s also down to the whole society, public and private sectors together. Improving the quality of life of older people is a priority for the European Commission.

Stepping up the fight against food contamination

They may sound exotic or obscure to most of us, but they are an integral part of our everyday lives, whether we know about them or not. Known as perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), they are chemical compounds which are used in a wide variety of industrial products, from food and drink packaging to fire-fighting foams, to dirt- or water-proofing treatments for carpets or clothing. The drawback is that these chemicals have now spread throughout the environment. Often the contamination originates in the effluent from wastewater treatment carried out at industrial or municipal sites.

Space – the final frontier for food

Armstrong, Aldrin, Gagarin … all giants in space exploration. US scientist Gary Stutte may not be in this league, but in the world of ‘space agriculture’, he is a legend. His work on hydroponics and how crops adapt and grow in controlled environments – such as space – fills volumes. Now, thanks to an EU exchange programme, he has shared his expertise with European scientists.

Reducing the environmental impact of food packaging

Packaging materials can use up precious raw materials and are often difficult to dispose of. The European Union (EU)-funded SUCCIPACK project demonstrated ways of using a new material for the food packaging industry – bio-based polybutylene succinate (PBS) – that is expected to significantly reduce the environmental impact.

Building a surveillance system for food chemicals

Mounting consumer concerns about food safety in recent years have raised questions about what we eat and drink. European authorities have some basic tools for risk assessment and risk management of food chemicals, but data is patchy and limited. The European Union (EU)-funded project FACET helped design a software tool that provides consumers with the best possible scientific data about the food supply.

Safer food through better monitoring of animal feed

High-profile food scares, such as the outbreaks of mad cow disease, foot-and-mouth disease and dioxin contamination episodes in recent years, have put a spotlight on a growing concern for food safety: the need to ensure that animal feed – an expanding global trade – is free from contamination. The European Union (EU)-funded project QSAFFE is working on faster and better ways of checking for contaminated feed.

Packing raspberries with healthy antioxidants

EU researchers have developed new techniques to boost antioxidant levels in raspberries. Their work will help farmers grow healthier raspberries, for your table, your picnic basket and for markets worldwide.

Conference: Research and Innovation to Foster the Competitiveness of the European Agri-Food and Seafood Sectors

The Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU together with the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission (DG RTD) is organising a conference on the main drivers for research and innovation in European food chains. The European Technology Platform “Food for Life”, the Hellenic Technology Platform “Food for Life” & the Federation of Hellenic Food Industries (SEVT) are also supporting the conference.

Superfood alert – probiotic olives for healthy gut

Live organisms such as bacteria and yeast – known as probiotics –have traditionally been added to dairy foods for an extra health boost, but are now making their way to table olives. EU-funded researchers developing this new 'superfood' say it could help Southern Europe’s olive industry become more competitive. Two patents have been registered – in Greece and Spain – for the technology, opening up the way for application on an industrial scale.

Obesity study gets to the heart of diabetic health risks

50 % of Europeans are now overweight, 20 % are obese, and as these figures grow, the link with the epidemic growth of diabetes is becoming obvious. Health professionals are well aware of the relationship between a poor diet and lifestyle and the increasing risk of developing type 2 diabetes (where the body does not use insulin efficiently and sugar builds up in the blood).

Innovative technology to simplify the extraction of olive oil

Current production processes do not maximise olive oil yield and, at the same time, energy use is high. However an EU-funded project introduced a new technology known as pulsed electric field (PEF) in all existing and new mill equipment that will result in higher yields and health benefits to consumers.

Global network combats food contamination

As much as 25% of the world’s agricultural production  today becomes contaminated resulting in risks to human health and to a loss of crops. The main culprits are toxins and particularly those of the poisonous mycotoxin family, which can be a potential threat to both humans and animals.

Streamlining processing for bio-based products

The market for bio-products or bio-based goods has grown sharply over the past few years as consumers embrace foods, fuels, medicines and other products made from renewable biological resources. However, the emerging appetite for bio-products is being held back by bottlenecks in manufacturing, with many processing methods taking far too long and costing too much.

A European research project is helping pinpoint the industrial jams, raising hopes that the supply of bio-products can match the soaring demand.