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EIT Innovation Forum Report 2015

INNOVEIT2015 brought together the EIT Stakeholder Forum, the EIT Awards, the EIT Roundtables and the EIT Alumni Connect event in one Innovation forum. The objectives of the forum were to bring together a large and wide group of actors from the European Innovation Community.

Assessing the Potential for EU Investment in Venture Capital and Other Risk Capital Fund of Funds

This study examines the potential for EU investment into venture capital (VC) funds-of-funds operating at EU level. It makes a strong case for supporting several such multi-country funds in a coherent way in order to help address Europe's equity gap, remedy the fragmentation of the VC market, and improve the performance of European VC funds in raising finance from major institutional and other private investors.

A focus on patients - The Innovative Medicines Initiative in action

Patients are at the heart of the EU’s Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) that seeks to speed up the development of more effective and safer medicines. Created in 2008 as a public-private partnership, IMI plays a leading role in the EU’s efforts to remove barriers to the discovery of new treatments. It does this through collaborative research projects and by building networks of industrial, academic experts, researchers, regulators, clinicians and patients.

Study on the new generation of eGovernment services

How can the public sector become an agent of innovation through Innovation & Communication Technologies? A new section within the Joinup Open Government community is devoted to discussing the draft outputs and results of an ongoing study on the new generation of eGovernment services. Give your input!

Type 1 diabetes research: taking stock and maximising collaboration

Diabetes is a chronic disease that constitutes a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Diabetes rates are alarmingly increasing both in developed and developing countries across the world. It poses a considerable burden to patients and healthcare systems. The report presents the outcome of discussions carried out during a workshop on prevention and diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.

A European research and innovation roadmap for climate services

The ambition of this report edveloped by the H2020 expert group on climate services is to offer a framework for discussion to the relevant actors and to the stakeholders. It paves the way to shared solutions and pathways facilitating the development of a market for climate services that provides benefits to society. The report offers an essential contribution to achieving the EU objectives of an Energy Union with a forward looking climate policy.

From niche to norm

Without change, the EU will inevitably become less competitive, less attractive and less economically viable. Making changes now and into the future to a more circular, resource efficient economic model is not without risk. However, as the developing world continues along linear growth path, the EU and its Member States have the opportunity to reinvent their economies and make them globally competitive. And systemic eco-innovation is at the heart of the paradigm shift which is needed.

Getting cultural heritage to work for Europe

In the Report 'Getting cultural heritage to work for Europe' the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on Cultural Heritage aims to promote cultural heritage as a production factor and an investment opportunity for the economy as well as a catalyser for social cohesion and environmental sustainability. The report is both an agenda and a roadmap, outlining the future directions of the EU Research & Innovation Policy in Cultural Heritage until 2020.

Graphene Flagship. One Year On. Annual Report 2013–2014

Launched in October 2013,the EU funded Graphene Flagship has now been sailing for a little over a year. Much has been achieved in this short time, yet we are only a tenth of the way on a voyage that we hope will take graphene and related materials from academic laboratories into society. The following pages highlight some of the flagship’s science and technology achievements to date.