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Type 1 diabetes research: taking stock and maximising collaboration

Diabetes is a chronic disease that constitutes a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Diabetes rates are alarmingly increasing both in developed and developing countries across the world. It poses a considerable burden to patients and healthcare systems. The report presents the outcome of discussions carried out during a workshop on prevention and diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.

date:  29/10/2015

The European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and the JDRF (formerly Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) jointly organised a workshop held in Brussels on type 1 diabetes with the ultimate goal of defining the state-of-art in the field, identifying gaps, and brainstorming about the possibilities offered by personalised medicine approaches in this area.

Renowned investigators and regulators presented the latest advances and challenges concerning type 1 diabetes. The speakers laid out that time frame for the next major advances in type 1 diabetes (closed loop artificial pancreas system, encapsulation, immunomodulation, etc) have never been so close for patient access and that efforts and investment have to be pursued to reach the goals.


EC-JDRF workshop report
(919 KB - PDF)