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Featured projects

A silver bullet for dangerous viruses

An EU-funded project’s state-of-the-art approach could accelerate the discovery of new antiviral drugs for some of the world’s deadliest diseases. The project has identified 20 potential antiviral drugs for further development to treat infections such as dengue fever, West Nile encephalitis and hand, foot, and mouth disease.

New horizons in crop fertilisation

EU-funded researchers have developed an automated prototype to help farmers monitor and control the amount of water and fertiliser they need for their crops. It has already been successfully tested on 25 hectares of land (an area roughly the size of 35 football pitches), and the SMEs involved are making commercialisation plans – there is currently no such system on the market.

New sensor system sniffs out mycotoxins in wheat

Mycotoxins – produced by fungi – contaminate about 25 % of food crops worldwide, according to the latest estimates. Detecting contamination quickly and reliably is essential for food safety, as mycotoxins could be transferred to bread, for instance, making it unsafe to eat. The MYCOHUNT project developed a system that can sniff out mycotoxins almost immediately. It is expected to be on the market within two years.

Paints for places where a spark spells trouble

With the help of EU research funding, three small businesses have been able to take a concept for more efficient, cheaper types of paints for hazardous, explosive work areas, develop innovative products, and successfully bring them to market. The new paints also eliminate the need for the metal particles and solvents normally used in such products – removing a potential health hazard.

Foraging the untapped value of Europe’s forests

EU-funded researchers have identified the untapped commercial potential of products like wild berries, mushrooms, nuts and plants growing in Europe’s forests for the benefit of rural communities – a way to generate growth and jobs.

Glycomics on the fast track

Sugar-based biomolecules such as glycoproteins contribute to many cellular processes and interactions on which our health depends. They are also involved in a variety of diseases and could offer leads for new medical breakthroughs — if they could be analysed quickly and accurately on a large scale. EU-funded researchers have found a way.

Engineering longer lives for bridges

Bridges are an integral part of today's road and rail transport network, but maintaining them puts significant strain on public finances. The EU-funded project Long Life Bridges has found a way to keep them safe at lower cost. It has also built a prototype of a device designed to extend the lifetime of bridge cables.

A safe, quick way to detect dangerous radioactive scrap

EU-funded project MU-STEEL has developed a system to detect radioactive materials hidden away in scrap metal destined for recycling. The system is safer and quicker than ones that use gamma rays or X-rays to detect contamination, the project says. A truckload of scrap can be given the ‘all clear’ in 30 seconds – helping recyclers save time and money while ensuring the safety of their workers.

Social protection in an unpredictable economy

How can societies provide some level of security for their workforce while adapting to economic change? Faced with new realities, the support mechanisms on which we have come to rely will have to adjust, say EU-funded researchers. They have identified approaches that can help policymakers to maintain an effective safety net in uncertain times.

Fighting seaweed with green technology

Biofouling - or biological fouling - is the build-up of plants, algae and other marine organisms on wet surfaces, which can corrode and damage objects such as ships, pipes, and bridge supports. The issue has long defied engineers and scientists. The EU funded research project SEACOAT has developed a novel green technology that applies special coatings on vulnerable surfaces to control biofouling.

Helping Europe’s aviation sector rise to the challenges of the future

Air transport is a growing and increasingly vital part of our rapidly globalising world. At the same time, the aeronautics industry faces an unprecedented set of challenges. Chief among these is the need for greener and more sustainable aviation. For everyone in the industry, the message is clear: successful ‘green’ innovation will be key.

Shoring up Europe’s flood defences

From Pakistan to the Balkans and from Mozambique to Western Europe – images of the misery caused by flooding are a regular feature in the media. While eliminating all risk is impossible, understanding it and adapting buildings, infrastructure and flood defences can save lives and money. EU-funded researchers have developed the tools needed to do just that, and have passed them on to Europe’s policymakers.

Medication timing key in cancer treatment

An internal clock determines many of our bodily functions. The same is true for tumour cells, EU-funded research suggests. This discovery could point the way to a more efficient, personalised approach to cancer treatment.

Seismic map for safer buildings

Earthquakes can cause huge devastation. An EU-funded project has developed a seismic hazard model that engineers can use to assess how the ground may shake in the event of an earthquake in Europe or Turkey. This will allow engineers to design more earthquake-resistant buildings where needed, with the aim of reducing damage and saving lives.

Modelling climate impacts on crops and pests

Climate change poses new challenges for farmers, and for the scientists who try to predict its effects. An EU-funded researcher has developed a computer model for better predictions of environmental impacts on crops and communities.

Personalised travel advice from your pocket

While many of us are used to checking transport schedules on our smartphones, the i-TOUR app, created by EU-funded researchers, goes much further. It advises which form of transport is most appropriate to get from A to B in large urban areas wherever you are in Europe, and takes into account personal preferences, weather and changing circumstances. The i-TOUR team is currently discussing how to take the idea to the market.

Printable cables could spell green energy boost

Superconductors can provide a greener way to transport energy but are expensive to make and maintain. An EU-funded project has developed a way to ‘print’ the superconducting tapes that form power cables, reducing costs and opening the way to their wider use by industry.

Transforming the driving experience: the connected car

Just as the internet revolutionised the way we use mobile devices, the ‘connected car’ has the opportunity to transform the driving experience. CARMESH, a European Union (EU)-funded Marie Curie project, took the first steps towards a seamless integration of digital life into the car.

Building a graphene-based future for Europe

Graphene is the strongest, most impermeable and conductive material known to man. Graphene sheets are just one atom thick, but 200 times stronger than steel. The European Union is investing heavily in the exploitation of graphene’s unique properties through a number of research initiatives such as the SEMANTICS project running at Trinity College Dublin.