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BIM and Public Procurement

In an era where technology is increasingly reshaping the way we build and manage our infrastructure, one Community of Practice is committed to becoming the focal point for the adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) practices in public procurement across Europe.

date:  31/10/2023

In an era where technology is increasingly reshaping the way we build and manage our infrastructure, the BIM (Building Information Modeling) and Public Procurement Community of Practice is committed to becoming the focal point for the adoption of BIM practices, ensuring they are seamlessly integrated into public procurement processes across all 27 EU Member States.

The use of BIM in the construction sector contributes to enhanced efficiency, minimises waste and promotes sustainability. It’s about building smarter and greener. This community operates on the principle that public authorities should lead by example when it comes to BIM integration. Embracing BIM in public procurement not only fosters transparency but also opens the door to more flexible and efficient collaborations between governments and the construction sector.

One of the prime features of the BIM and Public Procurement community is its expansive repository of valuable resources. From research papers to practical use cases and best practices, it serves as a treasure trove of knowledge that equips public buyers with the tools they need to navigate the intricate landscape of BIM and make informed decisions.

Nonetheless, the BIM and Public Procurement Community of Practice is not a mere repository of knowledge; it’s an action-oriented, collaborative initiative with clear objectives. Its foremost goal is to mainstream the use of BIM in public contracts across the EU, spanning the entire lifecycle of built assets – from design and construction to maintenance and management.

By identifying best practices and disseminating the results of BIM applications across the EU, the community aims to drive the wider adoption of BIM in public procurement. Members share technical guidelines, standardised BIM requirements, and contractual formats, simplifying the incorporation of BIM into public contracts. The community also encourages information sharing on strategies employed by national and regional authorities in implementing BIM.

At its core, the community is about cooperation and knowledge exchange among public buyers from EU Member States. As public buyers share their experiences, challenges, and solutions, the collective wisdom of the community grows, enriching the public procurement landscape.