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Commission seeks views of companies that want to trade or invest in Africa, Asia and Oceania

The European Union, in collaboration with EU Member States, seeks to obtain a better overview of European companies operating or interested in operating in different international markets. The collected anonymous replies will be used to frame the agenda of EU Business Forums, trade negotiations and policy dialogues. They will also help to better target the discussions to the concrete areas that can attract more European investments in a given (third) country. Have a look at the ongoing consultations taking place in Angola (here), Ghana (here), Laos (here), Malawi (here), Mozambique (here), Nepal (here), Pakistan (here), Zimbabwe (here) and Papua New Guinea (here).

date:  18/10/2023

These surveys are EU internal exercises. Replies are confidential and only accessible to selected European Commission’s staff.

Do not hesitate to inform your business network about these consultations.

Further information: INTPA E3 – Private Sector Engagement –


The 2nd EU-Angola Business Forum will take place on 20-21 November. To adjust the discussions to the EU business’ needs and prepare the follow-up actions, we are asking the firms what they do and the problems they face in Angola.

We invite EU firms operating in Angola or interested in entering the market to fill in this EU survey before 30 Oct to shape the discussions of this Business Forum and beyond.

Replies are confidential and only accessible to selected European Commission’s staff.

Survey link: Available in English and Portuguese.

Further information: Isabel Emerson at the EU Delegation to Angola or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To prepare the 2024 Ghana-EU Business Forum that will take place in Accra, the EU is updating the overview of the EU trade & investment in Ghana.  Firms’ replies to the survey will identify the sectors to focus on and the barriers to discuss with the Ghanaian authorities.

We invite EU firms operating in Ghana or interested in entering the market to fill in this EU survey before 30 Oct to shape the discussions of this Business Forum and beyond.

Replies are confidential and only accessible to selected European Commission’s staff.

Survey link:

Further information: Malgorzata Pitura at the EU Delegation to Ghana or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To prepare the 2024 EU-Laos Business Forum that will take place in Vientiane, the EU is identifying the current and potential EU investors in Lao.  Firms’ replies to the survey will identify the sectors to focus on and the barriers to discuss with the local authorities.

We invite EU firms operating in Laos or interested in entering the market to fill in this EU survey before 30 Oct to shape the discussions of this Business Forum and beyond.

Replies are confidential and only accessible to selected European Commission’s staff.

Survey link:

Further information: Souphaphone THAVONSOUK at the EU Delegation to Laos or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To adjust the discussion of the 2024 EU-Malawi Business Forum to the firms’ needs and prepare its follow-up, we are asking to the companies what they do and the problems they face in Malawi.

We invite EU firms operating in Malawi or interested in entering the market to fill in this EU survey before 30 Oct to shape the discussions of this Business Forum and beyond.

Replies are confidential and only accessible to selected European Commission’s staff.

Survey link:  Article and details at the website of the EU Delegation to Malawi

Further information: Matilda Sibweza Palamuleni, EU Delegation to Malawi;  or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


The EU-Mozambique Business Forum will take place on 22-23 November in Maputo. To adjust the discussions to the EU business’ needs and prepare the follow-up actions, we are asking the firms what they do and the problems they face in Mozambique.

We invite EU firms operating in Mozambique or interested in entering the market to fill in this EU survey before 30 Oct to shape the discussions of this Business Forum and beyond.

Replies are confidential and only accessible to selected European Commission’s staff.

Survey link: Available in English and Portuguese. Article and details at the website of the EU Delegation to Mozambique.

Further information: Eulogio Montijano at the EU Delegation to Mozambique or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To prepare the 2024 EU-Nepal Business Forum that will take place in Kathmandu, the EU is identifying the current and potential Eu investors in Lao.  Firms’ replies to the survey will identify the sectors to focus on and the barriers to discuss with the local authorities.

We invite EU firms operating in Nepal or interested in entering the market to fill in this EU survey before 30 Oct to shape the discussions of this Business Forum and beyond.

Replies are confidential and only accessible to selected European Commission’s staff.

Survey link:

Further information: Mim Hamal at the EU Delegation to Nepal or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


The 2023 EU-PNG Business, Trade & Investment Conference will take place in Port Moresby in Oct. Other Business forums are foreseen in the region. Besides, the implementation of the EU-Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement will be discussed at High-level at the end of 2023. To adjust these discussion to the firms’ needs and prepare its follow-up, we are asking to the EU-linked companies what they do in the Pacific region and the problems they face in doing business there.

We invite EU firms operating in the Pacific or interested in entering the market to fill in this EU survey before 30 Oct to shape the discussions of these Business Forums and trade negotiations.

Survey link:  

Further information: Sila Orake, EU Delegation to Papua New Guinea; Massimo Diomedi, EU Delegation to Fiji and South Pacific region,  Susana Martins, EU Delegation to Timor Leste or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


The EU Delegation and the EU embassies in Pakistan are launching a consultation to EU-linked firms to prepare their support actions, including a potential opening of an EU Chamber in Islamabad / Karachi.

We invite EU firms operating in Pakistan or interested in entering the market to fill in the EU survey by 30 Oct to shape the discussions.

Replies are confidential and only accessible to selected European Commission’s staff.

Survey link:  Article and details at the website of the EU Delegation to Pakistan

Further information: Husnain Iftakhar, EU Delegation to Pakistan or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To adjust the discussion of the 2024 EU-Zimbabwe Business Forum to the firms’ needs and prepare its follow-up, we are asking to the companies what they do and the problems they face in Zimbabwe.

We invite EU firms operating in Zimbabwe or interested in entering the market to fill in this EU survey before 30 Oct to shape the discussions of this Business Forum and beyond.

Replies are confidential and only accessible to selected European Commission’s staff.

Survey link:  Article and details at the website of the EU Delegation to Zimbabwe

Further information: Tsitsi Whata, EU Delegation to Zimbabwe;  or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.