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Webinar on the best practices in the public procurement of medicines

Save the date! This webinar will present the findings of the recently published study on optimising public procurement of medicines. The event will allow for discussion with invited experts and wider stakeholder audiences on pharmaceutical procurement practices in Europe.

date:  07/02/2023

RegistrationPre-register here

See alsoDownload the study here

Public procurement of medicines is a strategic policy option to foster competition and improve access to medicines, as well as addressing important further policy objectives, including ensuring security of supply, protecting the environment, and improving crisis preparedness. The Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission has organized a webinar on the best practices in the public procurement of medicines.

The main purpose of the event is to present the findings of the recently published study on optimising public procurement of medicines. This study analysed the current practices in public procurement of medicines across 32 European countries (EU-27 plus EEA/EFTA countries and the UK). During the webinar, the team will present the findings of the study, including the possible impact of procurement practices on access to medicines, security of supply, competition, protecting the environment and supporting crisis preparedness. In addition, the presentation will cover the potential of best practices for optimising public procurement of medicines in Europe. The event will allow for discussion with invited experts and wider stakeholder audiences on pharmaceutical procurement practices in Europe.

The event will be held online on 7 February 2023 from 10h00 – 12h30 CET (Brussels time). Participants should pre-register by following this link.
More information about the event will be made available via the event’s webpage.

Please do not hesitate to contact the organising partners at if you have any queries.