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#WeBuySocialEU lunchtime talks

Have you missed them? Do you want to know more about gender-responsive procurement or accessibility requirements? Watch or rewatch our lunchtime talks.

date:  05/05/2022

You can rewatch our lunchtime talk on accessibility with Elisabeth Aguilera from the Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service) and Kathleen Polders from Inter - Accessible Flanders on You Tube by clicking on the video below. You can also click on the slides prepared by our speakers by clicking on the pdf files.

Don't forget to also check out our additional interview to the brilliant speakers from our #WeBuySocialEU talk on gender equality, Helena Morais Maceira from EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality) and Ander Bergara Sautua from the Basque Institute for Women. They shared with us more insights on using EIGE's GRPP Toolkit, on using gender-related requirements in procurement and on their impact on workers and users of public services.


Swedish public employment serv...
(1.24 MB - PDF)
Inter - slides
(2.14 MB - PDF)