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Webinar series on Standard Essential Patents

We are organising a number of webinars on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) in winter/spring 2021 so that we can take stock of the state-of-play, share some of the ideas developed under recent actions and discuss with stakeholders potential improvements to the framework governing SEPs.

date:  02/12/2020 - 04/05/2021

venue:  Online via Teams

The next webinar, 'Patent pools: How to make patent pools work for both SEP holders and licensees?' takes place on 20 April 2021. Read more


This series of webinars will be run via Teams Live Events. They are open to anyone who registers in the Teams SEPs Group of the Commission. Please follow this page for updates - invitations, the agendas, discussion papers and summaries will be published here as they become available. 

The tentative planning for the series is:

2 December 2020 - Presentation of the results of the pilot project for essentiality assessments of Standard Essential Patents

24 February 2021, 15.00 (CET) - Transparency: How to clarify possible SEP exposure upfront?

  • Agenda
  • Presentations and documents from stakeholders and participants (coming soon)
  • Summary (coming soon)

23 March 2021, 14.30 (CET) - FRAND licensing & valuation: Which are the key principles and how to render them more operational?

20 April 2021, 14.30 (CET) - Patent pools: How to make patent pools work for both SEP holders and licensees?

  • Agenda
  • Presentations and documents from stakeholders and participants (coming soon)
  • Summary (coming soon)

19 May 2021, 14.30 (CET) - Enforcement of Standard Essential Patents - current bottlenecks and possible solutions

  • Draft agenda (coming soon)
  • Presentations and documents from stakeholders and participants (coming soon)
  • Summary (coming soon)


According to the 2020 IP Action Plan, the Commission will improve transparency and predictability in SEP licensing by encouraging industry-led initiatives in the most affected sectors. This could be combined with possible reforms, including regulatory if and where needed, aiming to clarify and improve the SEPs framework and offer effective transparency tools.

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