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Study on the development of an EU framework for Digital Building Logbooks

Digital building logbooks are common repositories for all building-related data, increasing transparency, trust and informed decision making. The outcomes of the study on an EU framework for logbooks resulted in proposals for future steps the Commission can take.

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date:  12/10/2020

The Circular Economy Action Plan recognised digital building logbooks as enablers for circularity and the Renovation Wave states these digital tools will integrate all related data from the upcoming building renovation passports, smart readiness indicators, Level(s) and energy performance certificates (EPCs).

The study, serving as the basis for an EU framework, ran throughout 2020. The definition of digital building logbooks was created through thorough stakeholder consultation, interviews with experts and detailed analysis of 40 existing initiatives across Europe and beyond. Following the identification of the main gaps and challenges, the study proposes a set of actions.

The EU Publications Office digitally published the report with the extended definition of the digital building logbook. It includes

  • background information and the outline of the study
  • consultation findings and overview of existing initiatives
  • a description of the role of digital building logbooks, their definition, their contribution to EU policy goals, the principal stakeholder and user groups
  • the building blocks of a digital building logbook concerning data and information, features, functionalities and benefits, and data governance

A second report, Building logbook - state of play, analyses 40 building logbook-type initiatives in different countries. It overviews the initiatives and highlights key success factors and barriers to the use of building logbooks.

The final report of the Study on the development of a European Union framework for digital building logbooks includes a summary of the above mentioned extended definition and analysis of the state of play. It also includes an analysis of the main gaps, challenges, and success factors in implementing the logbooks. The report continues with recommendations to the European Commission to create an EU framework, demonstrate and spread the use of digital building logbooks. The 3 main recommendations are to

  • develop a standardised approach for data collection, data management and interoperability, as well as its legal framework
  • develop guidelines on how to link existing databases
  • launch publicly funded R&I projects to further explore the digital building logbook concept and its implementation

For each priority action, there was a comprehensive assessment. These included a set-up and roll-out plan, a feasibility evaluation and synergies with existing EU and international initiatives. The Commission will follow up on these recommendations in the coming years.

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