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Survey on the competitiveness of the European engineering industries and the impact of digitalisation

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs has commissioned a study through EASME (the European Agency for SMEs), on the competitiveness of European engineering industries and the impact of digitalisation. The contractor for the study is the Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES).

date:  30/04/2020

With this study, we aim to

  • assess the competitiveness of the EU electronic, electrical and mechanical engineering sectors in comparison with its major international counterparts (e.g. the US, China, Japan, South Korea, others)
  • analyse the current baseline situation in respect of competitiveness drivers to identify and assess current and future trends and developments in digitalisation
  • assess the impact of digitalisation on the European engineering sector’s competitiveness
  • undertake a SWOT analysis at regional level to examine the role of smart specialisation in developing centres of engineering excellence
  • provide a strategic outlook and an assessment of the challenges and opportunities ahead for the European engineering industries 

Target group

An important part of the study consists of a survey that is open to EU, national and international stakeholders.

Through this survey, we seek to consult relevant stakeholders (e.g. representatives of manufacturers and other economic operators, delegates from industry associations, professional associations, testing and certification bodies, consumer associations, trade unions, NGOs and civil society organisations etc.) through interviews and online questionnaires.
Please forward and distribute the links to the online questionnaires through your digital channels, such as mailing lists, newsletters, social media, etc.. The more participants, the better the study will be able to take into account the views of stakeholders.

Survey period

Deadline: 15 May 2020

How to submit your contribution

There are four online surveys on the competitiveness of the EU engineering industries, the impact of EU regulation on businesses and the impact of digitalisation on these industries. They are targeted at different types of stakeholders.

  1. Survey among industry associations and professional associations of engineers
  2. Survey among manufacturers and other economic operators
  3. Survey among testing and certification bodies (including notified bodies and market surveillance authorities (MSAs)
  4. Survey among consumer associations, trade unions, workers' associations, NGOs and civil society organisations (CSOs)

Please select the survey that fits your stakeholder description, click on the link and fill it in.


In addition to the survey, the contractor is carrying out qualitative (in-depth) interviews. If you are also interested in taking part in an interview, please email James Eager:  


The findings of the study will inform the European Commission’s policy and legislative approach to the EU’s engineering industries.

Data protection and privacy

All data will be collected, processed and retained for the study’s duration in strict accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), whilst fully respecting the rules pertaining to the collection and processing of personal data by EU institutions (Regulation (EU) 2018/1725). All survey data will be analysed anonymously and kept confidential. See our statement on data protection and privacy relating to this specific study. Should you have any queries regarding these matters, please contact the CSES’ data controller, Jan Smit -