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EU and Japan host seminar on international responsible business conduct

On 13 June, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Development (METI) and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Industry and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) are hosting a seminar on the implementation of international expectations on responsible business conduct (RBC) and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

date:  17/06/2019

This is part of METI and the Commission’s wider cooperation on CSR policies and sustainability, most notably through the EU-Japan CSR working group. The event focuses on European and Japanese businesses. 

Japanese and European companies are expanding their supply chains across Thailand and the Asian region. With this in mind, the session will showcase best practices and challenges businesses are facing while addressing supply chain risks. It will also explore opportunities to support collaboration on shared risks and implementing globally recognised RBC frameworks and expectations.

This seminar is a side session of the responsible business and human rights forum at the Bangkok business and human rights week (10-14 June 2019). The seminar is an open event and is relevant to Japanese and European companies operating in Thailand’s or the Asian region’s supply chains in particular and to participants of the RBHR forum in general.