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European Commission welcomes the European Chemicals Agency opinion on restricting microplastics intentionally added to products

In the framework of the EU Plastics Strategy, at the request of the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has assessed the health and environmental risks posed by intentionally added microplastics and has concluded that an EU-wide restriction would be justified.

date:  30/01/2019

The report covers a variety of sectors, from cosmetic industry to agriculture and construction. It reviews the available scientific information on the hazards of microplastics, identifies their uses and emissions, and tries to assess their risks in these areas. Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, said: “I am happy to see that work on restricting microplastics intentionally added to products is progressing. The EU is the first to address all microplastics intentionally added in products, and not just microbeads used in cosmetics. This is part of our comprehensive approach to tackle microplastics, which are potentially harmfulfor marine life, and enter our food chain, with yet unknown impacts on human health.” Elżbieta BieÅ„kowska, Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs said: “The EU is committed to reduce microplastics and ECHA's investigation is an essential first step to tackle microplastics that are intentionally used in products. There are alternatives available to replace microplastics - we need close cooperation with industry to achieve a true circular plastics economy”. 

The microplastics within the scope of the restriction have a wide range of consumer and professional applications across multiple sectors. They are used in cosmetic products, detergents and maintenance products, paints, inks and coatings, construction materials and medicinal products, as well as in other products used in agriculture and horticulture and in the oil and gas sectors.

Following today's publication, the report will be scrutinised by ECHA Committees, including a public consultation for 6 months. Sectors affected by the restriction should follow the process closely and submit their contribution during the public consultation. The ECHA Committees will formulate their opinions and send them to the European Commission, expected in spring 2020.The European Commission can then propose to amend the REACH Regulation.

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