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Survey on defence-related skills launched

The aim is to collect and analyse data within the European Commission's project on 'Defence Related Skills'.

date:  26/07/2018

This project on 'Defence Related Skills' is funded by COSME under the Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills. The gathered input will feed into the comprehensive overview of skill gaps in Europe, expected to be published in October 2018.

The survey consists of 2 parts:

  1. Questions exploring current general defence industry skill gaps and anticipated future needs for specific defence skills for your organisation. Issues with filling vacancies for these skills and the effects of having skill gaps on your organisation are part of the questions as well. It also covers domain-specific skills based on your area of expertise as indicated by you in the introductory part of the survey.
  2. Questions on skills associated to new technologies and related current and potential future skill gaps.

The information gathered will be anonymised, aggregated, and used only for the purposes of this study.

Please access the survey here

We thank you in advance for your participation and valuable insight!

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