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European Innovation Scoreboard 2018 - Launch event

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date:  25/06/2018

venue:  Breydel Auditorium, 45 Avenue d'Auderghem, 1040 Brussels

Organiser:  Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation






The annual European Innovation Scoreboard provides a comparative assessment of research and innovation performance of the EU and European countries. It allows policy-makers to assess relative strengths and weaknesses of national research and innovation systems, track progress, and identify priority areas to boost innovation performance.

This year's Scoreboard reveals that the EU's innovation performance continues to increase and that progress has accelerated in recent years. Since 2010, the innovation performance of the EU has increased by 5.8 percentage points, but progress is uneven. Performance has increased in 18 EU countries and decreased in 10. In a global perspective, the EU continues to improve its position vis-à-vis the United States, Japan, and Canada, but China is catching up at three times the EU's innovation performance growth rate.

Watch the launch event webstream



 Registration and coffee


 Welcome and key findings of the Scoreboard

 Irmfried Schwimann, Deputy Director-General for Internal Market, Industry,  Entrepreneurship and SMEs,  Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry,  Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission.

 Wolfgang Burtscher, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation,  Directorate-General for  Research and Innovation, European Commission.


 Panel 1: "Evidence-based policy-making for innovation: What next?"
 Chair: Slawomir Tokarski, Director ‘Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing’,  Directorate-General for  Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European  Commission.
 Margareta Drzeniek, Deputy Head of Social and Economic Agendas, Executive  Committee Member,  World Economic Forum.
 Soumitra Dutta, Former Dean and Professor, Cornell University and Founding Editor,  Global Innovation  Index.
 Debora Revoltella, Director of the Economics Department, European Investment Bank.
 Mateusz Szczurek, Associate Director, Lead Regional Economist, European Bank for  Reconstruction and  Development.


 Panel 2: "How can Europe strengthen its innovation potential?"
 Chair: Kurt Vandenberghe, Director 'Policy Development and Coordination',  Directorate-General for  Research and Innovation, European Commission.
 Thomas Bjerre, Head of Communications, Innovation Fund Denmark (Denmark).
 Nadine Castillo, Special Adviser on National Science Policy, Council for Science and  Technology (Malta).
 Clara Eugenia García, Director-General for R&I, Ministry of Science, Innovation and  Universities (Spain).
 Johan Hanssens, Secretary-General, Flemish Ministry of Economy and Research and  Innovation  (Belgium).
 Agrita Kiopa, Deputy State Secretary- Director of Higher Education Department, Ministry  of Education and  Science (Latvia).


 Irmfried Schwimann, Deputy Director-General for Internal Market, Industry,  Entrepreneurship and SMEs,  European Commission.
 Wolfgang Burtscher, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation, European  Commission.


 End of the event and networking coffee


Registration and Contact: