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Workshop on Copernicus uptake by public authorities

The workshop is expected to highlight the most effective measures or strategies existing at national/regional level, including new methodologies for engaging the users and encouraging public authorities to use Copernicus.

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date:  23/04/2018

venue:  Oudergemselaan/Avenue d'Auderghem no.45, 1049, Brussels

Organiser:  European Commission

Banner workshop on Copernicus uptake by public authorities

Various previous workshops, studies and public consultations raised the point that the potential of the programme is not being fully exploited by public authorities. Therefore, this workshop aims to

  • identify areas with potential
  • exchange best practices between participants to aid the uptake of Copernicus by public authorities
  • discuss what the main obstacles are and how best to overcome them


The potential of data and information continually made available by the Copernicus ecosystem is enormous. Commercial stakeholders are hard at work to adapt to this new offer. Other potential user communities have yet to discover the potential of Copernicus in their domains or have to find ways to translate the opportunities into useful applications. Together with EU countries and Copernicus participating countries, the Commission aims to tap into this potential with an awareness and user uptake programme to realise the related economic and societal benefits.


Download the agenda


Registration for this event is now closed.

Personal data protection

By filling in an application form, the applicant will be considered to have given his or her consent to the processing of these data in the context of this workshop. An application to attend will involve the treatment of personal data concerning the participant by the Directorate General for Interpretation (SCIC), in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001.

Please also note that the workshop will be recorded and that you may be filmed and photographed.