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Which future for space research in Europe after 2020?

The European Commission awarded a grant for a 'Space Technologies' pilot project to Eurospace on 21 November in Brussels. Philippe Brunet, Director for Space Policy, Copernicus and Defence at the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs signed on behalf of the Commission. Eurospace was represented by its President Jean-Loïc Galle.

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date:  21/11/2017 - 21/11/2017

venue:  The Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union, Rue Wiertz 77, Brussels, Belgium

Draft Agenda:

Opening Session (15.30-16.15)

Welcome address:

  • Barbara Schretter, Head of the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU
  • Monika Hohlmeier, MEP, Chair of the Sky & Space Intergroup

 Keynote speeches: 'The ambitions of FP9 for space'

  • Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation
  • Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • Jean-Loic Galle, Eurospace President

 Session 1: The European articulation of technology policies for space (16.15-17.30)      Moderation: Geneviève Fioraso

  • Johann-Dietrich Wörner, Director General, ESA
  • Pierre Delsaux, Deputy Director General, DG GROW, European Commission
  • Jean-Yves Le Gall, President, CNES
  • Pascale Ehrenfreund, Chair of the Executive Board, DLR
  • Roberto Battiston, President, ASI

Break: 17.30-17.45

Session 2: Towards an EU space technology policy maximizing Europe’s competitiveness in space (17.45-19.00)       Moderation: Marc Pircher

  • Nicolas Chamussy, Exec. Vice-president of Space systems, Airbus Defence & Space
  • Alain Charmeau, CEO, ArianeGroup
  • Jean Loic Galle, CEO, Thales Alenia Space
  • Marco Fuchs, CEO, OHB
  • Jeroen Rotteveel, CEO of ISIS and Chair of Space Ned

Wrap-up, conclusions and next steps (19.00-19.10)

  • Conclusion: MEP Marian Jean Marinescu