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“Joining forces in public procurement to power investment": High-level conference on transparency and integrity, professionalisation and large infrastructures

This Conference aims to build a partnership between EU institutions, national and other authorities, and stakeholders to make public procurement work better. It follows the European Commission's recent adoption of a strategic package on public procurement.

date:  07/12/2017 - 07/12/2017

venue:  Hotel Steigenberger, Avenue Louise 71, 1050 Brussels

Organiser:  European Commission

The conference will be opened by Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska. A high-level plenary session will be followed by three thematic panels:

  • transparency and integrity
  • professionalisation
  • large infrastructures

The conference will bring together European experts from national ministries and policy-making bodies, EU cities, contracting authorities, EU and international institutions, and the business community.


On 3 October, the European Commission adopted a package of measures focused on the effective uptake of provisions in the public procurement directives to modernise, professionalise and digitalise public procurement practice, while also facilitating investment in large infrastructure projects.

A strong partnership between stakeholders including public authorities at all levels of government, the private sector and civil society is key to the success of these measures. Participants need to share a strong commitment to supporting the implementation of the new rules and work toward seizing the opportunities resulting from the significant share of EU GDP that comes from public spending.


You can register here (Password: BRUSSELS).

Once connected to the website, please follow the instructions and your request will be processed. The registration website will be open until 23 November 2017. Please note that your registration application needs to be confirmed.

Participation in the conference is free of charge. Participants must pay their own travel and accommodation expenses. These expenses will not be reimbursed by the organisers.

For questions about the conference, please email

Personal data protection

By filling in an application form, the applicant will be considered to have given his or her consent to the processing of these data in the context of this conference. An application to attend the conference will involve the treatment of personal data concerning the participant by the Directorate General Interpretation, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001.

Please also note that the conference will be recorded and that you may be filmed and photographed.


Webstreaming will be available for the conference's plenary session.