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Second workshop with the space industry on access to finance

This workshop gathered together companies active in venture capital and business angels in the space industry, as well as many representatives from the European space industry community.

date:  03/05/2016 - 03/05/2016

venue:  DG GROW Auditorium, Av. d'Auderghem 45 - 1040 Brussels - Belgium

ContactSpace Policy and Research unit

At the workshop, EU countries presented national initiatives to stimulate growth through innovation clusters; the European Space Agency presented its Space Solutions activity; and the European Commission provided information regarding the Investment Plan, Horizon 2020, COSME, ESIF and innovation policy in general. The main purpose of the workshop was to underpin European space entrepreneurship.

The event focused on:

  • Next steps for space in the context of the EU's Investment Plan
  • Awareness raising regarding private investment sources (business angels, venture capital funds) to support entrepreneurship
  • Links with the upcoming programming cycle of Horizon 2020 and COSME and synergies with the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)
  • Outreach and advisory services for space relying on existing networks.

The discussion was structured around three panels, which were dedicated to private and public initiatives, and gaps and solutions for the space industry.

Documents and links

Panel 1: Private initiatives

Panel 2: National initiatives

Panel 3: Gaps and solutions for space