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Final report: Skills for Key Enabling Technologies in Europe

For European industry to compete and flourish we must ensure that we have a workforce with the right skills. This report provides a summary of the state-of-play of KETs in Europe and their skills requirements.

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Industry KETs

date:  07/04/2016

The report (PDF, 3 MB) also includes concrete examples of best practices and recommendations.

Estimates show that between 2013 and 2025, Europe will need between 1 to 3 million new highly skilled professionals to satisfy new demand stemming from KETs deployment. It is a huge opportunity that Europe should not miss.

A brochure, 'Boosting the potential of Key Enabling Technologies' (PDF, 4 MB) summarises the main conclusions of the report.

A second report, 'Vision for the development of skills for KETs' (PDF, 562 kB) accompanies the first. Both are part of the initiative, 'Vision and Sectoral Pilot on Skills for Key Enabling Technologies'.