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Release of EU-US Cooperation on Satellite Navigation, Working Group C - ARAIM Technical Subgroup, Milestone III Report

The EU-US Cooperation on Satellite Navigation, Working Group C – ARAIM Technical Subgroup has released its Milestone 3 Report. The report details further accomplishments in developing the concept of Advanced RAIM (ARAIM) as the future basis for multi-constellation support for global air navigation.

date:  26/02/2016

See alsoRead more about Galileo

The release of the Milestone 3 Report follows the release of the Interim Report (published in February 2013) and the Milestone 2 Report (published in March 2015).

It contains additional availability results to those provided in the previous reports, including the results for Horizontal ARAIM under various scenarios. These results were obtained with the optimisation of the reference user algorithm, which is also included as an Annex.

Furthermore, the report contains a proposed Implementation Roadmap for ARAIM Services, the consideration of institutional issues, as well as an elaborated view of ARAIM complementing the services provided by SBAS systems.

The document is posted on and

Working Group C will continue to pursue its work programme in this domain, where good cooperation is already generating fruitful results to the benefit of the entire global navigation satellite system (GNSS) community.


The EU-US Agreement on GPS-Galileo Cooperation signed in 2004 established the principles for the cooperation activities between the United States of America and the European Union in satellite navigation.

The agreement foresaw a working group to promote cooperation on the design and development of the next generation of civil satellite-based navigation and timing systems. This work became the focus of Working Group C.

The ARAIM Technical Subgroup was established in July 2010, within the Working Group C set-up. The ultimate objective of the ARAIM Subgroup is to establish whether, and how, ARAIM can be the basis for a multi-constellation concept to support air navigation worldwide. Specifically, ARAIM should support en-route flight, as well as lateral and vertical guidance during approach operations.