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BEREC and ERGP adopt a joint opinion on price transparency and regulatory oversight of cross-border parcel delivery

A joint working group of BEREC and ERGP adopted on 3 and 10 December a joint opinion on price transparency and regulatory oversight of cross-border parcel delivery, taking into account possible regulatory insights from the electronic communications.

date:  15/12/2015

The Joint Opinion outlines the powers that the competent national regulatory authorities should have to monitor cross-border parcel delivery and to intervene in this market regarding price transparency for European deliveries, including for prices of small shipments, if problems are identified and seen.

The document also focuses on the existing measures to increase consumer and supplier information and awareness, such as information platforms for (small) e-retailers on the available delivery services, price comparison websites, enhanced 'track-and-trace' systems and scoreboards on delivery performance.

BEREC (the Body of Regulators for Electronic Communications) advises the European Commission on issues related to the application of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications.

ERGP (the European Regulators Group for Postal Service) advises and assists the European Commission on matters relating to postal services, including completing the Single Market. 

The proper functioning of the e-commerce sector is instrumental for EU economic growth, in particular considering its potential to decrease retail prices, widen consumer choices, reduce transaction costs and, hence, contribute towards the deepening of the internal market.

However, many e-retailers and internet shoppers still consider that prices and conditions for cross-border e-commerce parcels delivery may create an obstacle for online buying. These obstacles, which might hinder the development of the e-commerce in Europe, were addressed in the Digital Single Market Strategy, namely the need to adopt measures regarding price transparency and regulatory oversight.

More information

Joint BEREC-ERGP Opinion: Price transparency and regulatory oversight of cross-border parcels delivery, taking into account possible regulatory insights from the electronic communications sector

Full press release

Accompanying letter to Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip


European Regulators Group for Postal Services

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