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Presentation on trade mark protection in China - Łódź, Poland

An expert from the China IPR SME Helpdesk will give a presentation on trademark protection in China - from definition, through the process of registration of a trade mark, to the procedures related to the protection of a trademark that has been infringed.

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date:  16/06/2015 - 16/06/2015

See alsoInformation from the China IPR SME Helpd...

The presentation will be very practical and supported by several case studies. After the presentation, trainees will be able to ask open-ended questions.

It will be given by China IPR SME Helpdesk expert, Michał Kłaczyński, a lawyer educated in the USA, China and Poland, with experience in international transactions and investments.

Mr Kłaczyński will also be available for free individual consultations with registered participants.