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Decision establishing a new High Level Forum for a better functioning food supply chain

The Commission today set up a new High Level Forum for a better functioning food supply chain, following the success of a previous forum held from 2010 to 2014. The Commission will soon be inviting experts in the area to express their interest in contributing to the work of this Forum, with the aim of commencing work in the autumn.

The new High Level Forum will gather relevant public and private stakeholders to address major challenges in the food area, both now and in the future. The Forum will take a holistic approach in its work.

It will be chaired by Commissioner Bieńkowska (Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs) together with Commissioners Hogan (Agriculture and Rural Development) and Andriukaitis (Health and Food safety).


As a result of the cooperation achieved in the previous Forum, representatives from several policy-areas (including farming, processing, industry, retail, NGOs and consumer groups) showed great interest in continuing discussions to contribute to a more effective and competitive EU agro-food value chain.

This is according to the Final Report of the previous Forum, unanimously adopted by its 47 members, on 15 October 2014.

Topics to to be Addressed

The following areas will be addressed by the new High Level Forum:

  • Competitiveness and SME policy
  • Business-to-business trading practices
  • Internal Market
  • Trade and market access
  • Sustainability
  • Social dimension
  • Innovation
  • Food Price Monitoring Tool.


The Forum will also be consulted on any new recommendations regarding issues linked to the functioning of the food supply chain in the internal market.

The Forum will be composed of not more than 50 members representing all Member States.  Members will express their interest in participating in its activities (21 Member States were present in the previous Forum) as well as European Bodies dealing with food production; processing or distribution; professional associations; and non-governmental organisations representing citizens’ interests.

Members will be selected by the Commission, following a call for interest to be published soon.

The Commission aims to hold first meeting of the new Forum in the autumn.