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Kick-off meeting of the 'Digital Tourism Network'

The Tourism Unit of this DG is establishing a Network comprising representatives from the tourism industry to discuss how to boost the innovation capacity of tourism entrepreneurs, especially SMEs. The work of the Platform will feed into tourism policy priorities announced by Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska.

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date:  27/03/2015 - 27/03/2015

venue:  Auditorium - Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Organiser:  DG GROW - Tourism unit

The industry representatives will come from the public and private sector, from both digital and non-digital backgrounds. 

The participants of the meeting are expected to:

  1. Brainstorm on key areas of concern to tourism businesses operating online and addressing issues such as:
    • regulatory fragmentation and ensuring a level playing field;
    • big data ownership, access and use;
    • access to training, finance and technology.
  2. Help shape new actions designed to increase the uptake of digital technologies by the tourism sector and improve SMEs' inclusion in the global digital value chain;
  3. Serve as a contact point for their respective networks, including for example, technology providers, online tourism actors of all sizes, traditional tourism service providers, digital policy influencers and public administrations.

Agenda (215 kB)


Veronica Manfredi, Head of Unit Consumer and Marketing Law, DG JUST (196 KB)

Aoife McArdle, Airbnb (7 MB)

Jean-Philippe Monod, Expedia (991 KB)

Daniel Makay, HOTREC (506 KB)

Jordan Toujarov, Enforcement and European Consumer Centres Unit, DG JUST (1015 KB)

Kristyna Deiberova, Antitrust: Transport, Post and other services Unit, DG COMP (214 KB)

Christoph Klenner, ETTSA (European Technology and Travel Services Association) (11 MB)

Tim Fairhurst, ETOA (European Tourism Association) (620 KB)

Nick Hall, Digital tourism think-tank (7 MB)

James Rampton, CSES (Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services) (493 KB)

Ferran Doñate, ACECCAT (Catalonia Cloud Computing Companies Association) (4 MB)