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Buying Services everywhere in the Single Market

This event brought together all relevant stakeholders (representatives of consumers, service providers and competent authorities) to discuss the non-discrimination principle for the first time since its entry into force.

date:  09/02/2015

venue:  Albert Borschette Conference Centre – Room 0A

The non-discrimination principle is article 20.2 of the Services Directive. The objective was to discuss together with stakeholders the current state of play concerning the non-discrimination principle and challenges inherent in its application. This principle is important for both the digital single market and the classical single market where consumers travel.

The representatives of consumers, service providers and competent authorities discussed the non-discrimination principle from a legal and economic point of view. Moreover, particular attention was brougt to the question how to improve cooperation between various players active on the level of enforcement.

Please find the links to the Agenda and presentations below.

You may also want to download the short video prepared by the European Consumer Centre, France (flv, 100MB)