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Smart cooperation in coastal and maritime tourism - Encouraging transnational partnerships through clusters and networks

This conference aimed to strengthen the role of cluster organisations and networks as drivers for growth and jobs in the maritime and coastal tourism sectors in Europe. It also explored cluster-driven linkages with related sectors such as creative industries, marine and maritime heritage, and fishing activities.

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date:  20/01/2015 - 20/01/2015

venue:  Albert Borschette Congress Center

Organiser:  European Commission

See alsoMore on European coastal and maritime to...


The European Commission wishes to boost cooperation between coastal and maritime tourism stakeholders. 

This is in line with action four of the initiatives to overcome sector fragmentation outlined in the Communication, 'A European Strategy for more growth and jobs in coastal and maritime tourism'.

This conference contributed to this action in which the Commission's goal is to support the 'development of transnational and interregional partnerships, networks, clusters, and smart specialisation strategies'. 

The conference was held in three sessions, for which the presentations are now available: 



The Commission encourages the creation of competitive clusters and trans-sectorial and cross-border partnerships to facilitate business cooperation between their members, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Clusters and networks are powerful instruments for innovation and growth at regional and local level. Cluster organisations and transnational networks are often appropriate intermediaries to facilitate business cooperation between other clusters and networks.